Below are before and after blood test results showing increase IGF Levels by over 50%
IGF-1 level before administration of 20mg of Enhanced Athlete MK677 Growth Hormone was 141 ng/ml
IGF-1 level after administration of 20 mg of Enhanced Athlete MK677 Growth Hormone is 217 ng/ml
This is an increase of 53.9%
Although some may say that this is not a significant increase, i would contend that it is nothing to discount. I would aslo like to note that my before lab test results were while on 40mg of ostarine and so my cholesterol was high and my test was low. After running PCT those levels returned to near normal.
go here for that thread:
many people have said that MK677 increases cholesterol, but this is not the case with me. My cholesterol is still a bit high, but that is due to diet, not the MK677. I will upload larger immages in the next post.
I am interested to hear everones thoughts, and opinions on this