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Thread: FIRST CYCLE: Starting LGD + MK-677 –– should I add RAD-140?

  1. #1

    FIRST CYCLE: Starting LGD + MK-677 –– should I add RAD-140?

    Hi guys,

    Thanks in advance for helping out here...

    I'm 34 years old. This is my first time running a cycle of SARMS.

    LGD-4033 appears to be the best for bulking and I'm running MK-677 alongside.

    My question is...since LGD-4033 is suppressive on Testosterone would adding RAD-140 to the mix help offset possible test suppression?

    Or am I better off getting a TRT dose? I'm totally new to the rodeo here and would appreciate any advice.

    Reading through the threads I can't seem to find any info on running LGD-4033 with RAD-140.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    United Kingdom
    Really at this point I should ask your stats etc. But your a 34 year old man so I will point you to the right link about your first cycle so you can make you own choice.(AND YES LGD-4033 is as supressive as real AAS/PH so the link applies)

    Answering you question directly. I ran a cycle of LGD-4033 and it is very suppressive. I would not run LGD without running testosterone Enanthonate at the same time. You might think this is overkill but there is no real alternative. running it on its own will bring mood swings/anxiety/stress all can be avoiding by running test e. I would personally do 500mg first week and then 250mg every week after until 1 week before you end you cycle.

    You might get the impression from reviews etc that you can handle it and that its is much safer. Yes it is safer because of the lack of BP/Hair loss issues. However if messes up your cholesterol no end, so Red Yeast Rice is advisable and supressive as they come. 1 week is enough to kill natural test. It is an easy recovery at the same time but you can have a perfect cycle with great recovery just by taking test. I did a full review when I took it(

    I cant stress how important it is that you take a testosterone base with LGD-4033, you can get away with it, its not as bad as superdrol etc but if your serious about steroids then you will have to pin at some point anyway.

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