Originally Posted by
That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
Basically, without having to spend countless hours and days reading those books the breakdown of it all is"
Week 1
Medium Volume
Low Percentage (80%)
Use prilepins table to figure out your sets and reps
Week 2
Low Volume
Low Percentage (80%)
Week 3
High Volume
High Percentage (90%)
Week 4
Medium Volume
Medium Percentage (85%)
Week 5
Testing week or Week off ***ending on how close or far away from meet
Those are the principles used for main the lift, accessory lifts or secondary lifts vary ***ending on weaknesses and necessity. If your work capacity is down then opt for higher reps lower sets if your power level is low then obviously lower reps higher sets higher percentages etc....
You really need to make this high priority though and do not over work yourself in accesory lifts. A good example is:
work capacity: 4 sets x 3 reps @ 75%
Power Sequence: 4 sets x 1-2 reps @ 90%
all my accesory work is always done raw and geared towards weaknesses. So if my bench is weak off the chest then 1-2 board or floor presses, if my squat lockout sucks then I use 50% weight and 50% accomodating resistance, if my deadlift sucks at lockout then rack pulls or banded pulls dominate.
Well, hope that helps out any of you interested in this. I will say that not everything is for everyone, and just because it works for me does not mean it'll work for you. The volume in a system like this is very high so if this is something you do plan to undertake please start of slowly and make sure it's far from a meet to allow your work capacity to adapt and "catch up."
Good luck.