The Little Rascals are in class doing a spelling B. Alfalfa, Spanky and Buckwheat are the 3 finalists. Teacher says "to win the spelling B you have to spell the word and use it in a sentence."
the word is the short from of Dictation "DICTATE"
Alfalfa goes first he says "Dictate - D-I-C-K"
teacher says "NO NO you are out"
Spanky goes second he says "Dictate - D-Y-C"
teachers says "NO NO you are out of the spelling B"
Buckwheat goes next he sayS "DICTATE D-I-C-T-A-T-E"
teacher says.."very good Buckwheat now can you use it in a sentence to win the spelling B"
Buckwheat looks around the room with his BIIIIGGGG Buckwheat smile and sees DARLA...he then says.."hey Darla..HOW DID MY DICTATE LAT NIGHT"