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Thread: new GH dosing protocol question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    new GH dosing protocol question

    Saw this question posed on another board and thought I might bring it hear for help. Einstein or Johnny or others feel free to answer You guys are the experts....

    "I was reading Muscular Development while waiting in line at the video store and I saw something that caught my attention. There was an article on how the new thing with gh was to take 6-8ius per day for 6 days at the beginning of each month (followed by 24 days off) and that doing so would mimick some sort of effect you see in growing children. What's the logic behind this theory? Has anyone more info about it?"

  2. #2
    It's backwards logic IMO.
    As children, we grow in spurts, but this is the "chicken or the egg" question. The reason we grow in spurts as children is likely due to periods of increased GH (among other growth factors). Providing children (Gh deficient) with constant dosing of GH allows for continuous growth.

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