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Thread: anyone tried the same cycle with and without pct?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    anyone tried the same cycle with and without pct?

    i ended a 4week dbol cycle 45mg/ balls didn't get smaller.

    last time 4 weeks with testo 500mg/week my balls got smaller from first week.

    i'm wondering if it is needed to use pct to keep my gains.i have never done any cycle without pct and i don't know what would happen without it.

    i know lot of guys that take dbol and stop without pct but keep over 3/4 of their gains.are they genetically gifted?

    has anyone done dbol with and without pct?

    only with clomid as pct?

    what was the results?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Here there and everywhere
    I done my first 2 courses of that stuff without PCT. At the time I didnt know I was suppose to until I came accross this web site. A lot of the guys here will tell you that you must have PCT but I kept all my gains after 2 courses of orals. But to be fair, I did go straight into shots after a 2 wk break so maybe I may have lost some of the gains.

    Anyway Im currently coming to the end of my shots and havnt got any PCT so was planning on chuicking some oral in there and gradually come off it over the space of 4 wks as well as carrying on with my vitamins and creatine.

    Hope this helped.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by shaun_brotherton
    I done my first 2 courses of that stuff without PCT. At the time I didnt know I was suppose to until I came accross this web site. A lot of the guys here will tell you that you must have PCT but I kept all my gains after 2 courses of orals. But to be fair, I did go straight into shots after a 2 wk break so maybe I may have lost some of the gains.

    Anyway Im currently coming to the end of my shots and havnt got any PCT so was planning on chuicking some oral in there and gradually come off it over the space of 4 wks as well as carrying on with my vitamins and creatine.

    Hope this helped.
    WOW dude... you are murdering your body... Do you realize what your doing to your HPTA function and your liver?? jesus man

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