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Thread: Nolva and Clomid

  1. #1
    SpringsBridge7 Guest

    Nolva and Clomid

    This is going to be my first test cycle.Im not sure if im prone to gyno so i dont want to take a chance plus im taking alot of sus and i know with the four diffrent tests within it,it can cause alot of sides.Im taking 16cc of sus and 16cc of eq. Ive got 30 50mg clomid tabs and im not sure if thats enough and i need to be filled in on how much nolva i need.Im really unfamiliar with when and how much of either i need to take.Im thinking my cycles gonna go like this.
    400mg of sus a week and i want to start taking the eq so that im on it for a while after i end the sus,i heard it helps keep gains.So if someone wants to help me with this i would apreciate it.Thank you so much im sort of lost on the most effective way to take this.thanks agian for any help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    being your first cycle bro just do the test and save the eq for later. 10 weeks of 400mg test should make good gains providing diet and training are in check. you will need nolva to combat any signs of gyno, 10mg's every day should work and if you still get signs of gyno bump it up to 40mg's a day untill they go away. run 10mg's thru the cycle and 20mg's thru pct. use pheedno's pct. always have everything on hand including pct drugs before starting any cycle, good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    San Francisco
    I started my first 12wk cycle about twelve weeks ago and have decided to extend it to 20wk. I have been doing 500mg testE & 400mg Deca a week split into two injections, wed and sat. Was more concerned starting out about the Nolva than the roids. I had never had any fat in my pecs and wanted to avoid taking the Nolva if I could. I have had no problems, every couple of days I take 10mg of Nolva just in case. My partner on the other hand has always been prone to gyno, even as a teen and pryor to doing any gear, he has used the Nolva 20mg daily and still has some problems, I think a lot of it is genetic predisposition.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    A bridge down by da river
    Quote Originally Posted by SolidMan
    I started my first 12wk cycle about twelve weeks ago and have decided to extend it to 20wk. I have been doing 500mg testE & 400mg Deca a week split into two injections, wed and sat. Was more concerned starting out about the Nolva than the roids. I had never had any fat in my pecs and wanted to avoid taking the Nolva if I could. I have had no problems, every couple of days I take 10mg of Nolva just in case. My partner on the other hand has always been prone to gyno, even as a teen and pryor to doing any gear, he has used the Nolva 20mg daily and still has some problems, I think a lot of it is genetic predisposition.
    nolva wont stop you from getting deca gyno.... get some b-6

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    fwiw prolactin gyno is rare at that dose. but at any rate use 200mg of B6 ED

  6. #6
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Thanks for the responses,just a couple more question's.I want to take the eq with the sus preferably so that the eq is being taken for a little while after i stop the sus or is it be better to take them together and end together also is 400mg a good amount of test or should i stretch it more then 10 weeks.One more thing,i have a site that i have gotten clomid and nolva from but is their any good places for arimidex and is it good to take arimidex during your cycle not just during pct?Thanks agian for the info,you have no idea how much it helps.I think i may keep some gains this time.Lol
    Last edited by SpringsBridge7; 07-06-2004 at 01:15 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    A bridge down by da river
    try reading pheednos pct.. it should answer all your questions

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