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Thread: post cycle advice...urgent!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    post cycle advice...urgent!!

    hi everybody: i've just finished my cutting cycle (sunday i had my last winny shot) and i'm gonna start next monday my clomid therapy (as on friday i had a shot of primobolan which requires about 10 days from the last shot before starting with clomid jugjing from the educational thread i've read).

    i'm actually using clenbuterol (following advices found on edu threads ) for bridging till i start my clomid therapy.

    Now THE PROBLEM: i've noticed yesterday little symptoms of gyno (no pain anyway, and i wanna stress the accent on the word LITTLE: it's just me that noticed's not evident at all!) , and i'm worried about this (i wanna point out that nothing has happened during my 8 weeks cycle: no symptom of gyno during cycle)...what could i take to prevent the things getting worse? i've got plenty of Proviron on hand and i could also use nolva...but i'd prefer using proviron cause i've heard that using nolva while you ain't on cycle could lead to bad rebound effects

    Thank you in advance for any suggestions

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    uhmmm... Please post your complete cycle... Because if you only used Winny I dont think it can aromatise therefore it cant turn into gyno... Someone correct me if I am wrong.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by jmp51483
    uhmmm... Please post your complete cycle... Because if you only used Winny I dont think it can aromatise therefore it cant turn into gyno... Someone correct me if I am wrong.
    i thought so too but there was a discussion over this last week. bro if i were you start taking the nolva just in case you are that sensative. by the way? was your libido affected by a winnie-primo cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    First of all thank you for your help!

    and here's my cycle:

    week 1-6 250mg test
    week 1-2 3 shot a week of superanabolon (just like 50mg of durabolin per shot...actually a compund similar to deca but with much less water retention)
    week 3-8 1 winny EOD
    week 4-8 2 shot of primobolan 100 per week

    As you can see it's not a mad amount of AAS and i've just used it to keep mass gains while heavy dieting...and actually with good results so far

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Dima
    First of all thank you for your help!

    and here's my cycle:

    week 1-6 250mg test
    week 1-2 3 shot a week of superanabolon (just like 50mg of durabolin per shot...actually a compund similar to deca but with much less water retention)
    week 3-8 1 winny EOD
    week 4-8 2 shot of primobolan 100 per week

    As you can see it's not a mad amount of AAS and i've just used it to keep mass gains while heavy dieting...and actually with good results so far
    what kind of test?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    sust the first 2 weeks, and enanthate the other 4 weeks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    any advice on what to use and dosage?

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