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Thread: 1-AD new suppliment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho

    1-AD new suppliment

    Anyone heard of the Natural suppliment 1-AD? It is supposed to be teh best Andro on the market, it is said that it does not estronize.. at all. I have tried it for the last few weeks and works pretty good (being that "gear" is tight right now" and I am off my cycle giving my body a rest). just wanted to know if anyone has heard or tried it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i know everyone hates the andros on this board but I have to say that this stuff is pretty cool. It does not convert to estrogen because this supp. is the precurser to DHT. It also suppresses estrogen receptors as wel. It's not really a bulking drug but more of a cutting one. I also think it helps to put a lifter into a great intense state of mind when working out and definately increases strength. I was quite happy with it and actually got a few more bottles so i could experiment with a stack. i know a couple of guys who use it when coming off their gear cycles and think it's great when inbetween cycles...But I don't know shit about ''s just what I've been told.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Yeah King, I have gotten some good gains on it, well as far as strength. I just started, and I have heard the same thing about that product with guys using it off their cycles. I find it works better than any other Andro I have tried so far, not that they work. All they do is give me Gyno something terrible, and I suck down Chyrisin to try and couteract it, but just doesn't work like the "real" stuff does. Good to know someone else finds it is working for them. I was thinking about buyin another bottle, cause this one only has like 50 or so tabs, I take 3 a day.

  4. #4
    CYCLEON Guest
    I agree - 1AD is the only prohormone that is even worth thinking about - too bad its not injectable, it might be much more effective.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Yeah well Cycle, since you ain't handin out samples, we have to take something.. geeeezeee.. hee, with your buddy and all his stuff.. man I still say you outta hook a brutha up..

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