at the end of the day when my fina wears off i crash like none other. does this happen to anyone else? anyone got an advice on how to help this. since i started breaking up my dose into 3 instead of 1 it has been much more noticable. what can i do?
at the end of the day when my fina wears off i crash like none other. does this happen to anyone else? anyone got an advice on how to help this. since i started breaking up my dose into 3 instead of 1 it has been much more noticable. what can i do?
Do you mean CLEN? If so I don'tOriginally Posted by w_rballs
Originally Posted by w_rballs
yah I dont crash off clen either man, what do you mean when the fina wears off....
I havent heard of that.
try some eca stack maybe bro....![]()
I somewhat felt like that the last time I did clen...I'd feel okay for most of the morning, but by the late afternoon, I would just feel like **** for no reason...
I can't necessarily contribute that to the clen, because it really could've been anything...I was probably just stressed out at work.
I know what your talking about.... around 4 or 5 PM you start to get SUPER sleepy and just can't pay attention to anything.... I totally noticed it and it really sucked... I think that maybe I need to just take more but for the time being my ulcer is saying NO!
Clen has a 36 hour half life.... how could it wear off over the course of one day?
yeah bros i meant clen. i crash hardcore and a couple other buddies of mine it happens to them too. hey skin have u ever taken clen? i thought at first maybe it was becuaseu i was lowering carbs, but then i would resume a normal carb diet and i still felt like i was gonna pass out. and no there isnt any ketofin(sp) in it
may be because of the type of clen your using. Ive never had that problem, but ive heard of others that have.
im using IBE liquid clen. im even up to 187.5 mcg a day
I stacked my clen tolerance up to 160mcg a day and the effect was not nearly as noticeable by about the 10th day. It didn't kick the same for 2 weeks. I wouldn't say I crashed from it, but I lost the jittery feeling after about 4-5 hours from taking it. My heart rate was still up in the evening though, and it was dosed once a day.
Well, me and my bro are both on liquid clen now. I take 60mcg in the morning, 20mcg in the afternoon, and another 60mcg befor bed. Both of us are taking the same amount. But it's funny because by the time we take our second dose in the afternoon, we feel sleepy as hell. totally fatigued. To the point that I don't even feel like going to the gym. We're not taking anything else but protein and creatine right now either. Sorry I have no solution for this yet. It's quite the pain in the ass.
i never crash, i think it is another piece of bull**** that gets regergitated from some of our "special members". i have never exp. this and neither has my friends who have run it.
I wish I had "The special member" as my titleOriginally Posted by hercules88
I would get worn down feeling from Clen. Also your not supposed to take it before bedtime. Say to take it at latest 4pm. It has to do with something it is mixed with I think. Do a search on here and you will find the info...
Originally Posted by hercules88
so basically what u are saying is that im bull****ting everyone? and what do u mean by "special member"?
Ya balls ive ran clen a couple times.. and never expereiced any type of crash like your talking about.....
Ive crashed from clen clen at the end of the day. I was taking low dosages because of drug tests. I would work out in the morning and work out again in late afternoon and by 6 i would be worn out and tired as hell if i took it early morning.
I think you need to get some potassium. Are you taking it already? If so how much? What about Taurine, that as well? Have you read the clen handbook? Clen sucks up your potassium so you need to supplement it. That would contribute to low energy levels for sure.
i crashed from jack daniels once, but not clen................. wow what a ride..
Originally Posted by w_rballs
Oh i thought you meant that the clen would wear off....
I think that it is because clen effects everyone different sort of like how ridillin effect people different. For me clen keeps me up all **** day and nite i have to take a couple trazadone to get some sleep....
Originally Posted by ECoastVIP
im not taking potassium, but i am taking taurine at 5g a day. how much potassium u think i should take?
200-400mg a day
Originally Posted by SKiN
im on it. thanks bros
No problem, and of course for a quick source in the meantime you can always suck down some bananas.Originally Posted by w_rballs
i dont eat much bananas but i do eat alot of cruciferous(sp) vegetables
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