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Thread: m1t by axion pharma whats all the hype

  1. #1

    m1t by axion pharma whats all the hype

    been seeing this brand AXION PHARMA on a couple of forums and when i did the research i came up with this

    1t= 6.25mg
    methyl d= 1.0

    seems like they stacked it with methyl d could this be the reason peeps our talking about it so much it has been said that this company makes the rawest form of M1t on the market anyone know the truth or just market hype. avg price is 50.00 fo 90 caps whats really going on?

    think i stick with underground labs for 10.00 for 60 caps and spend the other money on nov and clo


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Kingdom Of Heaven !
    if i can get just M1T from UL for 9.99 ................ and get freakin good results there is no way i am gonna pay 50+ bucks for 90 caps ............ hell no!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Any talk about a raw form or purer form of m1t is crap. Its all the same, its the same compound...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    you can also get methyl d form UGL for like 13 bucks even with both products its still cheaper than this product

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