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Thread: how much is overdose?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    how much is overdose?

    after seeing another death supposedly due to steroid use on the news it got me thinking how much it would actually take to kill yourself?

    obvioulsy the weight size and general healthof the person would affect the dose required.

    also interested in the highest dosages you personally have taken?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I'm doing 600mg of test e every 3 days

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    been using for 10 years and have never gone over 600 mgs/week of Test

    more is NOT needed to make great gains

  4. #4
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    that works out at 1400mgs a week. how long have you been doing that for? and how long you got left?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    been using for 10 years and have never gone over 600 mgs/week of Test

    more is NOT needed to make great gains

    is that just with test? if you take one of your cycles, what is the total mg of gear you do a week?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    been using for 10 years and have never gone over 600 mgs/week of Test

    more is NOT needed to make great gains
    I agree.

    I've run 1g p/wk before and honestly there wasn't much of a diff from 750mg/wk. So IMO I basically wasted gear I could have saved for my following cycle.

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by joey-1988 View Post
    is that just with test? if you take one of your cycles, what is the total mg of gear you do a week?
    current cycle now is

    Test @ 525/week
    Deca @ 400/week

    I am currently 5'11" and bulking. todays weigh in was 265 and under 18 %

    you don't need tons of gear to grow !!!

  8. #8
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    current cycle now is

    Test @ 525/week
    Deca @ 400/week

    I am currently 5'11" and bulking. todays weigh in was 265 and under 18 %

    you don't need tons of gear to grow !!!
    5'11 265. under 18%. =JACKED LMAO


  9. #9
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    Jan 2009
    i realise that. as i said i am just interested in how much people have taken and how much it would take to kill someone

  10. #10
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    Meaning... don't mistake 50mg Anadrol for 5 mg Dbol and end up taking what you think is 50mgs of DBOL and it turns out to be 500mgs of DROL... that could surely kill you.

    Know your SOURCE !! Because you could get tainted sh1t and that could result in a MRSA infection that they cant stop and kill and that will kill you.


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by joey-1988 View Post
    is that just with test? if you take one of your cycles, what is the total mg of gear you do a week?
    Total mg of gear p/wk?

    I think the most overall was:
    Prop 200mg/eod
    EQ 600mg/wk
    Deca 200mg/wk

    So 1400 to 1600 I guess.

    I was also 280-290 at the time.

    **I know you didn't ask me but I figured I would share my experiences as well here.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by joey-1988 View Post
    i realise that. as i said i am just interested in how much people have taken and how much it would take to kill someone
    What we are getting to here is... To take this amount this often... if we were to say it would take 2000 mg a week to kill you.... I guarantee 99.9% of people asking the question would try and take 1999mg in a week because the want quick and rapid results. Which as stated. You don't need more then 600 a week to see gains. but hey its your body.

    Steroids=illegal.. The guy who died of an overdose didn't leave us the exact amount he took to kill himself.. And kept it to himself. ROFL

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by joey-1988 View Post
    that works out at 1400mgs a week. how long have you been doing that for? and how long you got left?
    1200mg a wk

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevrolet02z28 View Post
    What we are getting to here is... To take this amount this often... if we were to say it would take 2000 mg a week to kill you.... I guarantee 99.9% of people asking the question would try and take 1999mg in a week because the want quick and rapid results. Which as stated. You don't need more then 600 a week to see gains. but hey its your body.
    Steroids=illegal.. The guy who died of an overdose didn't leave us the exact amount he took to kill himself.. And kept it to himself. ROFL

    this is not my intention!!!
    its just an interest

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by 408gt91 View Post
    1200mg a wk
    my mistake mate. i see what you meant now

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheReturn View Post
    Total mg of gear p/wk?

    I think the most overall was:
    Prop 200mg/eod
    EQ 600mg/wk
    Deca 200mg/wk

    So 1400 to 1600 I guess.

    I was also 280-290 at the time.

    **I know you didn't ask me but I figured I would share my experiences as well here.
    much appreciated

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevrolet02z28 View Post
    5'11 265. under 18%. =JACKED LMAO

    haha jk

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by joey-1988 View Post
    after seeing another death supposedly due to steroid use on the news it got me thinking how much it would actually take to kill yourself?

    obvioulsy the weight size and general healthof the person would affect the dose required.

    also interested in the highest dosages you personally have taken?
    Has ther ever been any deaths that were soley linked and related straight from AAS use?

  19. #19
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    I think that the dosage is dependent on the individual. I know that my friend was doing about 1500mg a week and he said it was pretty intense

  20. #20
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    By Intense what do you mean??

    I have been on 1250 mgs per week and didnt notice any difference between that or 750mgs per week. I wont ever do that again... waste o gear IMO.

  21. #21
    i never used alot ive been using for over 10 years .the most ive ever taken is 600mg deca and 300 mg test in a week ..with deca i did a 18 week cycle and i got my weight up to 305..i maintain right now 5'11 ,253 @ 10 % i must admit that ive been using 1 iu of gh for the last 10 years that ive never come off and i must admit i believe is the reason i make big gains and maintain them is the sh8t ..i love it

  22. #22
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    1 IU ... EVERY DAY?? WEEK??

    And just 1 iu?? Really?? Doc prescribed?? Or just something you decided to do.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    thank you for your comments people

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    1 IU ... EVERY DAY?? WEEK??

    And just 1 iu?? Really?? Doc prescribed?? Or just something you decided to do.
    just 1 i.u 6 days a week ..i decide to be more conservative than the 3 i.u suggested ..IMO research has proven that more is not always better especially when you not deficient in that hormone .

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    Has ther ever been any deaths that were soley linked and related straight from AAS use?
    this is also something i would like to know whicj is why i said "supposably linked to steroids".

    i know this is a very grey area and if you research on the internet for this you get alot of "cocktail" deaths that included steroids

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrdieselone View Post
    just 1 i.u 6 days a week ..i decide to be more conservative than the 3 i.u suggested ..IMO research has proven that more is not always better especially when you not deficient in that hormone .

    I might just give that a try. GH has always SCARED THE SH1T out of me... I would hate to have a side of elongation of the feet,hands,elbows,jaw,forehead... or to cause possible hidden tumors to rapidly grow... I dunno...

    I should know none of this is ever gonna happen to me as long as I do it correctly but i have heard the minimum is 3 iu's 5 on 2 off. I know I need to do a lot more research before I ever use it but it's good to know someone has had good results off 1 iu 6 days on 1 off. It just gives me something else to ponder and think about and give some thought on doing in the future... maybe when I cruise after this cycle... I am cruising for 6 months and well after 6 months I should know if it is going well for me or not... and plus at that dose I can afford to run it. Real GH tends to get real real expensive...

    But thanks for letting me know your history with it... it will help determine what I decide to go with. Much appreciated.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    Has ther ever been any deaths that were soley linked and related straight from AAS use?
    I am going to say no. Meaning I have never read anything that states "Steroids use killed this person". However, there are many deaths in what you could call that 'grey' area. As an example: Lyle Alzado

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrdieselone View Post
    just 1 i.u 6 days a week ..i decide to be more conservative than the 3 i.u suggested ..IMO research has proven that more is not always better especially when you not deficient in that hormone .

    Hey bro if you don't mind me asking what other benefits have you noticed from the gh I am getting real serious about jumping on.

    Sorry op didn't mean to thread hijack. I don't really know how much it takes to kill someone and I hope to never find out. I have always had great gains as a natty but now that I'm getting older stupid body don't wanna work right anymore LOL. So I am happy keeping doses mild and enjoy my ride
    Last edited by gymnerd; 04-22-2009 at 07:42 PM.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    Hey bro if you dont mind me asking what other bennefits have you noticed from the gh I am getting real serious about jumping on.

    Sorry op didnt mean to thred hijack. I dont really know how much it takes to kill someone and I hope to never find out. I have always had great gains as a natty but now that im getting older stupid body dont wanna work right anymore LOL. So I am happy keeping doses mild and enjoy my ride
    generally a feeling of well being and its very easy to maintain low body fat..and when you eat dense calorie foods ..its almost like anything you eat just fuels your body to build muscle..when i first started i use to eat anything that moved ,i mean i would eat 4-6000 cal days ..of basically sh8t food.... fast food ,candy ..etc ..i noticed how it elevated my metabolism and just help me pack on muscle while i was losing fat ..
    now it also helps in control of cholest and blood pressure and a list of other stats..i noticed those the most because i was eating crap for the first 2 years and the stats where ive got older i just keep my diet clean and it helps the results even i said i love the sh8t!!!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrdieselone View Post
    generally a feeling of well being and its very easy to maintain low body fat..and when you eat dense calorie foods ..its almost like anything you eat just fuels your body to build muscle..when i first started i use to eat anything that moved ,i mean i would eat 4-6000 cal days ..of basically sh8t food.... fast food ,candy ..etc ..i noticed how it elevated my metabolism and just help me pack on muscle while i was losing fat ..
    now it also helps in control of cholest and blood pressure and a list of other stats..i noticed those the most because i was eating crap for the first 2 years and the stats where ive got older i just keep my diet clean and it helps the results even i said i love the sh8t!!!

    Thats a good endorsment bro. And with all the sales going on freinds it is even more tempting LOL.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    I might just give that a try. GH has always SCARED THE SH1T out of me... I would hate to have a side of elongation of the feet,hands,elbows,jaw,forehead... or to cause possible hidden tumors to rapidly grow... I dunno...

    I should know none of this is ever gonna happen to me as long as I do it correctly but i have heard the minimum is 3 iu's 5 on 2 off. I know I need to do a lot more research before I ever use it but it's good to know someone has had good results off 1 iu 6 days on 1 off. It just gives me something else to ponder and think about and give some thought on doing in the future... maybe when I cruise after this cycle... I am cruising for 6 months and well after 6 months I should know if it is going well for me or not... and plus at that dose I can afford to run it. Real GH tends to get real real expensive...

    But thanks for letting me know your history with it... it will help determine what I decide to go with. Much appreciated.
    np brother ..yea the whole you're gonna look like lee haney and have a huge gap between your front teeth is a mothers tale ..i think you will be pleasantly surprised how much it will enhance your training..and i always ..get the real shit ..and yea it costs more..but honestly i couldnt give a much it costs ..its my body and i only have what goes into my machine is only premium sh8T!!!!!!!!

  32. #32
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    you just take the gh alone or do you add such things like cytomel (T3) insulin ?

  33. #33
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    You cannot overdose on steroids if done correctly, dieing from steroid abuse is not the same as overdose. Overdose is in one specific time peroid (ie one shot or in several hours) only way you can die is if you pump enough oil/gear into a vein and cause cardiac arrest.

    Oral steroids you can die from cirrhosis of the liver if take in extreme dosages it causes the liver bile to back up and the liver shuts down, the blood doesn't get cleansed and eventually the liver begins to disintegrate as the organs start failing. Read a story written by a guy who had this happen to him he barely survived lost around 100lbs and took 2-3 years for him to be able to fully recover, he only took one oral steroid for about a week before it happened, I think it was caused by the fact that the steroid was dosed way higher than the appropriate limits. For example, there are reports where UGL's have been caught dosing dbol in the 500mg range, scary to think.

  34. #34
    you wouldnt have enough gear or a large enough syringe to od on gear. generally, people who die from steroids dont actually die from the steroids, they die from having a pre-existing condition such as hart problems or cholesterol. other than that it will be pretty difficult to pull off.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by eckstg View Post
    you just take the gh alone or do you add such things like cytomel (T3) insulin ?
    no i havent ever used t3 or insulin..the thing with gh is you have to stick with it for the long haul..everyone wants results within the hour ..

  36. #36
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    High doses of test arent good for your most cases your wasting gear and doing damage to your body.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrdieselone View Post
    no i havent ever used t3 or insulin..the thing with gh is you have to stick with it for the long haul..everyone wants results within the hour ..
    Yea from your comments i was thinking of giving gh a try at 1iu a day for probaly a year solid but not so sure 1iu a day would yeild any results.But you say the 1 iu for you has given good results?Also wanted to be clear if you used anything else with it like insulin or t3 like it says in its profiles should be great additions.I would be using aas about 6 months of the year along with the 1iu.Probaly a couple 12week cycles of 50mg tren ace and 50mg test prop ed for the first 6 weeks but the final 6 weeks would only be 100mg day prop ed.

    Seems gh would be awesome for fat loss and help with muscle growth along with the aas.So you think the 1 iu was well worth it and does a good enough job at that dose?
    Last edited by eckstg; 04-23-2009 at 01:22 PM.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by eckstg View Post
    Yea from your comments i was thinking of giving gh a try at 1iu a day for probaly a year solid but not so sure 1iu a day would yeild any results.But you say the 1 iu for you has given good results?Also wanted to be clear if you used anything else with it like insulin or t3 like it says in its profiles should be great additions.I would be using aas about 6 months of the year along with the 1iu.Probaly a couple 12week cycles of 50mg tren ace and 50mg test prop ed for the first 6 weeks but the final 6 weeks would only be 100mg day prop ed.

    Seems gh would be awesome for fat loss and help with muscle growth along with the aas.So you think the 1 iu was well worth it and does a good enough job at that dose?
    absolutely is awesome..and over last ten years ive run about 8 cycles .and IMO it maintains gains..inbetween cycles....ive actually cycled only test gel with the gh and it gets me great i dont doubt ..the additioinal gains you would get from adding some t3..and of course your cycle.
    you're gonna love it....
    my 2 cents on your source ,... make sure u get quality .ive never ..fallen short on quality ..which has always been a good motto for me and ..make sure i get the results..
    Last edited by mrdieselone; 04-23-2009 at 01:31 PM.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrdieselone View Post
    absolutely is awesome..and over last ten years ive run about 8 cycles .and IMO it maintains gains..inbetween cycles....ive actually cycled only test gel with the gh and it gets me great i dont doubt ..the additioinal gains you would get from adding some t3..and of course your cycle.
    you're gonna love it....
    my 2 cents on your source ,... make sure u get quality .ive never ..fallen short on quality ..which has always been a good motto for me and ..make sure i get the results..
    Currently after a quick glance at 3 different sources that claim to carry hgh this is what they say their brands are and cost:

    #1 Peptropin rhGH 191aa roughly $3 per iu
    #2 Blue Tops $3.00 per iu., 600iu min
    #3 Growth AA (Syntrom) 425.00 for 100iu

    I know hgh is wildly couterfeited with hcg and would hate to be ripped at such an expensive product so is their any tips youd give to look for in a source to help with telling if their likly carrying the real deal or not?

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by eckstg View Post
    Currently after a quick glance at 3 different sources that claim to carry hgh this is what they say their brands are and cost:

    #1 Peptropin rhGH 191aa roughly $3 per iu
    #2 Blue Tops $3.00 per iu., 600iu min
    #3 Growth AA (Syntrom) 425.00 for 100iu

    I know hgh is wildly couterfeited with hcg and would hate to be ripped at such an expensive product so is their any tips youd give to look for in a source to help with telling if their likly carrying the real deal or not?
    ive get mine legit way ..and i pay 6 times more per unit than the average ..but i dont care as it my only body for these 3 ..companies..i am not familiar with, but lets get some of the veterans on the site ,my have a better insight into the value of i stressed before ..make sure its quality ..and the source it solid ..

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