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Thread: Questions on Infection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    new jersey

    Questions on Infection

    How long does it take for an infection to take affect?
    Is one day too fast for an infection to set in?
    I’ve been really clean wipe the vile top and the site. I have taking 20 shots of prop so far and the one on Thursday is bothering me more then the others.
    It’s not red but it is sore and little bit swollen. I woke up on Friday with a fever but the weather here is ****y, 50 degrees one day and 20 degrees the next so maybe it’s just the flu. What do you guys think infection or just the flu with a bad injection spot?

  2. #2
    Prop is funny gear some shots go well and other may not. Just keep an eye on it and if it turns red and hot you have an infection, so just take some Anti-b's if you have them. If you do not just watch it and it should go away in a few days. Also try a hot shower and rub the hell out of it to help spread the oil. Later bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    new jersey
    Cool bro,
    I will let it go till monday if it doesn't get better by then I will just go to doc and get some antibiotics. It's just the fever and the sore spot at the same time, I hate quintessence.

  4. #4
    I've found that my prop/tren shots are varied as to the pain I get later. I'll shoot some with no pain and others will swell considerably and hurt for 4-5 days. I'd be interested to know if anyone knows why this would be.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    I just had a similar sitation as I am running prop and tren usually mixing them together. I shot 1cc of prop into my tricep and my arm was red from elbow to my delt also it was warm but I didn't get a fever. I masaaged the crap out of it which hurt like hell,took some motrin and 3 days later it went away. It was the first time I injected into my tricep and also the first I didn't cut the prop. If you get a fever then go see a doc.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    Massaging the spot always helps ... i found that using a heat pad helps with the soreness as well

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