Make a long story short, Monday evening I ate some chicken that was undercooked and was sitting out for a couple hours. I thought, ahhhh ill just throw it in the microwave and cook'er till its done. Well I got home bout 1130pm then feeling a little queezy (thought it was from the creatine and tuna i just had) then went to bed. At about 1am I woke up running to the bathroom. I was hugging the toilet till 7am puking my brains out, severly dehyrdrated and when I drank water puked it back up in bout 5mins. Then started puking up byle or something...then dry heaving. Nasty shit. Anyways, JUST NOW starting to get my appetite back. All I could even stomach yesterday without throwing up was a double protein shake with oatmeal and a rice cake. THATS IT!So today I have been eating just a little bit more but still kinda queezy. Just ordered a dominos pizza with pepperoni on half and canadian bacon/pineapple on the other half. So many calories, fats, and everything else but so good and the only thing really that tastes good.....Is it bad to scarf this down or is it ok since ive been deprived of food. Anybody else with this experience?