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Thread: 2nd cycle underway

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the gym

    2nd cycle underway

    whats up just letting you all know that the time has finally come for my second cycle, last year i gained 28lbs on just sust at 500mg a week for 8 weeks....
    im up to 167lbs now...i lost some weight post-cycle but gained it all back in the year following it and am only 1 lb behind where i was at the end of my cycle...

    This cycle is going to consist of:

    Weeks 1-8 400mg test enath
    weeks 1-3 200mg deca
    weeks 4,5 400mg deca
    weeks 6-8 200mg deca

    Im also throwin in A-bombs one a day for a few days then 2 a day then up to 3 for a couple days n back down....

    ill keep you all posted

    FYI....all the gear is brovel except the A-bombs

    if anyone knows what i can take at the end of the cycle to get ripped up let me know...bc currently i have a light layer of fat on top of my abs which are pretty strong, and i think itll be kind of pointless to be big but have no abs at all....let me know

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    good luck,keep us updated !!!!! EAT RITE,TRAIN RITE,SLEEP ALOT AND THAN POST PICTURES

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Run the deca @ 400 all the way through. You said you want to cut up at the end... winnie my boy. This should give you the gains you're looking for.

    400 mg t200 a week for 8 weeks
    400 mg deca a week for 8 weeks
    50 mg winnie ed weeks 5-10
    0.25 mg arimidex ed
    Clomid starts 3 days after last winnie.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the gym
    ill throw in the winnie or maybe som EQ...someone else suggested taking that with it....I cant get anymore deca it is merely impossible to get gear in Jersey, or I would have gotten tons of shit....thats why it took me a year to get this

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    test/eq/winnie would do the trick... just replace the deca with eq in the cycle and you'd be good to go.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the gym
    well guys its about 2 weeks in and im up 9lbs from when i going to start throwing in the DECA this week so ill keep you posted on what the deal is

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