Man, my friend had a party this weekend... We invited all of our friends and at first this was a good party with our friends and hot chicks and wutnot, then all of a sudden all these black dudes show up(I'm not racist just not too many black friends)...
Anyways we find out some1 stole my friends labtop that was 3,000 bux and had all the files and crap on their needed to run the buisness... Anyways I start getting pissed as fvck and we find out this 1 dudes cousin stole the laptop... Anyways this guy call's his "friend" who stole the labtop and told him to bring it back and all this sh!t and then goes outside for a "ciggarete break"
Well, I didn't know he went on this break as he informed some one else, when I got informed by a friend when I asked were was this guy.... So I rushed outside... sprinted down the street, chased this guy for about 2 blocks, tackled him, picked him up, slammed him, etc... Then my friends caught up we brought him back to the house...
Well then we come up with this plan that we meet this guy(he isn't just going to give it back) and said we would pay to get it back(which we won't)... So me and my friend are supposed to meet this guy some time and we plan on brining small concealable bat's under our jackets, this place we are going to meet is a wooded area and we are going to have our friends (about 15 of them) hiding behind the tree's//bushe's
Anyways we are going to get this labtop back, I'm going to beat the sh!t out of this dude whether he gives it back or not(who the fvck steals a labtop at a party)...
So the question's are:
Will this guy even show(he's shadey and didn't show on saturday)??
If we get the labtop back should we still fvck him up???(I say yes)
Any comments on what we should do??? Were not sure if we should get the police involved in this or what to do really... I just want to beat the crap outa this dude...