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Thread: woulkd grwoth help me recover faster while palying soccer?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    woulkd grwoth help me recover faster while palying soccer?

    would it be worth it? to run years round cuse i dont want to run juice year round and my parents will pay for it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    In da Lac ridin on dubs
    Quote Originally Posted by oc pitbull
    would it be worth it? to run years round cuse i dont want to run juice year round and my parents will pay for it!
    if your parents will pay for you to use growth then do it, wish my parents would buy all my stuff

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by oc pitbull
    would it be worth it? to run years round cuse i dont want to run juice year round and my parents will pay for it!
    of course it would help, but how old r u?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    your fridge
    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx***
    of course it would help, but how old r u?
    Now there is the million dollar question?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by oc pitbull
    would it be worth it? to run years round cuse i dont want to run juice year round and my parents will pay for it!
    It all depends on your natural levels. If you are young and already have an IGF-1 level at or above 400 then don't even bother. What you may find is that it ends up bulking you more than you want as a soccer player. And in all honesty, if you are not recovered fully the next day (no soreness etc..) then you might want to consider other reasons.

    I'm near 40 (good God!) and I play 3 times per week - full 90 minute games. While I use rHGH, it does not seem to make a large difference. You have to decide what your goals are. Mine are speed, strength, and endurance. I fyou are young enough to actually consider your parents paying for this then likey you need to be sure it's medically necessary.

    I run Test/EQ/Winny a lot for sports performance. Through in some Halo and I'm good to go.

    But seriously, it really DOES depend on your natural levels if you are considerign rHGH.

    Good luck,


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ha i am turing 20 on july 3rd my parents would just pay for it becuase they woudl want to give me that competative edge, would it really bulk me up that much? i have used cokpunds already such as tren eq test, with your experice as a soccer player what worked best for you?

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