height 5 11" weight 220 pounds 29yrs old 7.5 yrs training last year used prohormones Great results in strenght only. Added 4-8ibs. Not bad.
I am interested in a first time cycle. I prefer using the pill form instead of the injection. My goal is to get stronger, cut some body fat and get bigger. Not for compatition but for personal gains. I have been reading up on the forum. Great facts and experiences. I can get the gear from across the border through a cousin. He used Anavar only for a 4 week cycle. He gained 15-20IBS and minimal/no side affect at all. His bench press went from 205 to 315IBS. Can someone please help me. Also a buddy of mine was thinking of doing the bulking and cutting cycle at the same time. From reading, you can only do either or first. Is this true? Please help us. Thanks