ok the original plan was to do next cycle as follows:
Weeks 1-12 Test Prop 100 mgs ED
Weeks 1-10 Tren A 75 mgs ED
Weeks 7 up to PCT Var 60 mgs ED
However, I only have access to Test Cyp.
I was thinking of running it at 700 mgs per week and running everything else the same.
However, I have a problem. I have AMPS that are dosed at 100 mg per ml. Since I am going to be injecting Tren ED at about 1 ml, i figure every 3 days I am going to have to inject 4.5ml's My ass is sore when I put 3 ccs in.
I was thinking about simply doing 100 mgs ED and shooting it with the Tren. I know you are not required to shoot ED, but it might be better to keep the cc's low on a daily basis.
Anyone have any better ideas?