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Thread: bros need help with my diet!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    long island ny

    Talking bros need help with my diet!!!

    my stats 6'2'' 216lb im about 13% body fat. my goal is to be about 7% body fat im also trying to gain some muscle. i am currently on a diet trying to lose wieght the day i get down to where i want i will increase cals, carbs, etc

    workout schedule:
    1 body part a week. i lift 5 days aweek. cardio is done on an empty stomach 6 days a week for one hour.

    my diet:
    monday through saturday
    sunday is cheat day
    7:00am 1 hr cardio
    meal 1= 33grams protein cold cuts, 1/2 cup natural oatmeal

    8:15am to 9:15am weight train
    pwo= 1 cup oatmeal,1cup brown rice, protein shake with glutamine.

    1/4 chicken,1 cup of steamed veggies

    1/4 chicken,1 cup of steamed veggies

    protein shake or 1/4 chicken,1 cup of steamed veggies

    any source of protein chicken,meat,fish, etc.. with veggies

    protein shake

    calories estimated not exact = 2200
    grams protein= 200gr
    carbs= 160gr

    any info is greatly appreciated thanks guys for your opinions

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    1) Choose to diet or gain lean mass, not both.
    2) Seperate your cardio and weight training by far more than ONE meal.
    3) You are missing FATS in that approach, and fat intake is a key to losing fat while
    trying to get lean.

    There is more to address than that, but I'd start there first and use the "how to cut" sample approach atop the page for more assistance.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    in your dreams
    nice avatar swole!!! ...DAMN

    p.s. i have a Q about water retention...which board is best to post that to?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Water retention posts can be here, that is fine.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    long island ny
    thanks. i forgot to mention that i add natural pb to my shakes and my goal right know is to lose some wieght but try to keep the muscle.

    thanks for your input greatly appreciated

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    i agree with swole, plus i would limit myself to 2 shakes a day. and dont take the glutamine with the shake take it seperate from everything.

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