my stats 6'2'' 216lb im about 13% body fat. my goal is to be about 7% body fat im also trying to gain some muscle. i am currently on a diet trying to lose wieght the day i get down to where i want i will increase cals, carbs, etc
workout schedule:
1 body part a week. i lift 5 days aweek. cardio is done on an empty stomach 6 days a week for one hour.
my diet:
monday through saturday
sunday is cheat day
7:00am 1 hr cardio
meal 1= 33grams protein cold cuts, 1/2 cup natural oatmeal
8:15am to 9:15am weight train
pwo= 1 cup oatmeal,1cup brown rice, protein shake with glutamine.
1/4 chicken,1 cup of steamed veggies
1/4 chicken,1 cup of steamed veggies
protein shake or 1/4 chicken,1 cup of steamed veggies
any source of protein chicken,meat,fish, etc.. with veggies
protein shake
calories estimated not exact = 2200
grams protein= 200gr
carbs= 160gr
any info is greatly appreciated thanks guys for your opinions