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Thread: Another q for my cycle...

  1. #1

    Another q for my cycle...

    I just want to say thanks for the help you have already provided me on my cycle. I am in my fourth week of ten and have added 8#'s following your suggestions.

    My new question is, my buddy gave me some boxes of clen, 20mcg, and said that I should add them to my cycle to help get my body fat down. I have read previous posts and have done more research on it and it sounds good. I am just unsure how much to take. I've seen varying suggestions on how much and for how long. I just want to be sure that I am going to do it right. I am already taking 400 of eq per week and have started my 50 of winny eod, this week.

    When should I start it? How much and for how long? If I am gonna do it, I am gonna do it right and get everything out of it. Besides I am pretty much burned out on ECA's and greenies from this past season so that stuff does nothing for me but cost me money.

    I am open to all insight on it and thanks again for all your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Save it for post cycle run it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. You can add eCA in the off period if u like.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I would wait till about 3 weeks after the it 21 days on 21 days off

    tabs per day 333444555666555444333
    i would also add some t-3 to this and run it like this

    21 days 111222333444333222111

    take eca stack in the off days.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    good to see you here bro, you like 3 weeks on clen and taper back down? Do you think that is better than the two weeks on two weeks off. I personnally taper up to about 6 tabs and then run that and stop. wait two weeks and run again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Shot and big al, If he runs clen and t-3 after his cycle would it interfere therapy with Clomid?

    Fast R

  6. #6
    The Iron Game Guest
    Fast Results, no it will not.

    Strike, it all depends on your goals. I am coming close to week 7 ish and am now on 200mcgs clen/day with 100mcgs of t3 and it is working wonders.

    I would recommend starting clen at no lower than 80mcgs (4 tabs) but normally recommend starting at 6 or 7 and keeping at such for 2 weeks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    in case nobody's told you why you should take it post cycle, here goes. clen works as a cortisol inhibitor. cortisol is released is released from your body as you come off of AS (among other things) and plays a large role in losing those hard earned pounds. combining clen with clomid like the guys said should help you keep most if not all of your gains. good luck bro

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    BIG AL....i think i have done clen and t-3 every way possible haha...i love the 21 day the best for me.... thats why i always tell bros to check it out... i cant say its the best but its the best for me...eveyone is different but all the ppl that i know that have tryed it loved it...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Thanks bro, I like variety so I will give it a try.

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