I just want to say thanks for the help you have already provided me on my cycle. I am in my fourth week of ten and have added 8#'s following your suggestions.
My new question is, my buddy gave me some boxes of clen, 20mcg, and said that I should add them to my cycle to help get my body fat down. I have read previous posts and have done more research on it and it sounds good. I am just unsure how much to take. I've seen varying suggestions on how much and for how long. I just want to be sure that I am going to do it right. I am already taking 400 of eq per week and have started my 50 of winny eod, this week.
When should I start it? How much and for how long? If I am gonna do it, I am gonna do it right and get everything out of it. Besides I am pretty much burned out on ECA's and greenies from this past season so that stuff does nothing for me but cost me money.
I am open to all insight on it and thanks again for all your help.