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Thread: Anyone order from *** lately???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Anyone order from *** lately???

    I've never really heard anything bad about them but i made my order like 20 days ago and got the shipping confirmation 5 days ago but the package has still not been sent when i check the tracking number. Which means they still haven't taken it to their shipper? I have emailed them a few times anyone have any connection to them or anything?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Liquidred
    I've never really heard anything bad about them but i made my order like 20 days ago and got the shipping confirmation 5 days ago but the package has still not been sent when i check the tracking number. Which means they still haven't taken it to their shipper? I have emailed them a few times anyone have any connection to them or anything?
    Learn from your mistakes and dont order AAS online. Sounds like you are out some money. Sucks but good lesson to learn.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Liquidred
    I've never really heard anything bad about them but i made my order like 20 days ago and got the shipping confirmation 5 days ago but the package has still not been sent when i check the tracking number. Which means they still haven't taken it to their shipper? I have emailed them a few times anyone have any connection to them or anything?
    you have a pm

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    sorry i should have been more clear what i ordered....I B E is a research chem site. its like AR. I dont know why it got edited but its a legal site and everyone i've talked to said its good.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Back in da box!
    They are in direct competition with one of this sites sponsors so all other research chem sites names get edited. You may as well go ahead and do it to your last post before a mod does.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Back in da box!
    Kind of a don't shit where you eat kinda thing for the owners of this board.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    i b e is garbage. i didnt get one of my orders and others took forever. there customer service was terrible and they wouldnt even discuss the order that i never got....just spammed me instead. also heard they are underdosed from others, but i have not run it through a lab personally.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    South JerseyJ
    I never had a problem with them~NEVER~

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    Kind of a don't shit where you eat kinda thing for the owners of this board.
    I've ordered from AR everytime so lay off, i try new places.

    I am surprised that this place sucks, i have like three friends that get shit from them with no problem and then i do and get screwed. Serves me right i guess tryin to save a buck.

    I dunno if they are underdosed but the doses are lower then other places. I did notice that on their website. They say they have lower doses for easier dosing? from now on i'll stay with AR.

  10. #10
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    May 2004
    I've ordered from I*E several times in the past and had absolutely NO problems. I placed an order on Oct. 5th and still waiting.....I joined their message boards cause my emails went unanswered but I guess they had to move shop cause of the hurricanes, and they now say they are shipping orders. I've ordered ONCE from ARR and was not very happy - I placed an order for finasteride, paid, got confirmation of payment, confirmation of SHIPPING, but hadn't received product one week later. sent email and then they said "oh, we're out of finasteride, your order was cancelled and you werent charged" well, it took me another week to get my money back. I dont understand what went wrong and why they didn't just tell me they were out rather than taking my money. ?? who knows.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    thats about when i placed my order.....did u get a shipping confirmation also but nothing shipped yet when u check the tracking number?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    says it was shipped on the 18th. when i check the tracking number it doesn't tell me shit. but then again, ive never got the usps tracking numbers to work for me. hopefully this shit gets here soon, ive been on cycle for 2 weeks now with no finasteride i dont wanna go bald!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    they used to be rock solid, probably the best place, the best prices, the best service.

    HOWEVER that is not the case anymore. they've had a bunch of probs, they were hit VERY hard by Hurricane Katrina and are struggling to keep up with demand and prior orders, not to mention the now very negative reputation they've gained on some of the boards.

    i hope they get back up to where they were...but i'm not holding my breath.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    cb25-who is that in ur avatar, or is it just an artists rendering?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    i thought they were good and i figured they would be having problems with katrina....i figure it will come sooner or later....they seem to be pretty serious about their shipping policy...i wonder once they get everything in order if they will honor their free product if u dont receive a shipping email withing 5 days..

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    Quote Originally Posted by bradd5150
    cb25-who is that in ur avatar, or is it just an artists rendering?
    my understanding, is that it was an artist's rendering of Lee Labrada in his looks different b/c of the way i resized it -- makes him look thicker

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I . B . E. is not garbage... You rly need to know the story, the guy and his family were sleeping on the floor of a warehouse after the hurricane took out his home... his lived in the south. He relocated to a enw warehouse, he is now back to the original place. Yes, they did lose contact with their customers and my order took 1 month to get.. along with others. but they stopped all orders until they get all the rest out.. They are giving away freebies in an effort to keep customers. pissed a lot of ppl off, but they are still legit

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    never had a problem with them either. its been a while since i ordered anything, but they were always quick and reliable. i know just from hearing previous ppl that any problems that happened were always taken care of with freebies

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I swear by I B E... Nuff said...


  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by cb25
    my understanding, is that it was an artist's rendering of Lee Labrada in his looks different b/c of the way i resized it -- makes him look thicker
    yeah, that's a killer physique. could only wish to come anywhere near that!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I have ordered from I*E and AR, I guess we all need to go shopping to the discount stores to really see if it is a deal,I am learning some times you sacrifice service for price.

    In fairness though they have posted on other boards of the situation and that they are trying to rectify it.


  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2005
    yea i got it sorted out....i must say in the situation they are in i can not complain about their service. I received the order very well packed and what i wanted. They also emailed me apologizing and making sure i did receive it. I order from AR and I*E so i do support the board but this is a good place also.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    Quote Originally Posted by liquidred
    I've ordered from AR everytime so lay off, i try new places.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shortie
    Kind of a don't shit where you eat kinda thing for the owners of this board.
    Now pull your head out and take a breath of fresh air and realise I wasn't attacking you I was explaining why the owners might take offense to naming alternate sources for chems, not that we the users owe any undue loyalty ARR, I personally have not had the chance to use them, but due to my association with this board I am going to give them a try, and if it suck I won't use them again, but if it is good, their prices are right, I can't see any reason to go back to my old shop. Anyhow, I think you just misunderstood me.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    The Dirty South
    A positive note; I made a purchase and received it in 3 days. They good in my book.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    Quote Originally Posted by slitsoul13
    I . B . E. is not garbage... You rly need to know the story, the guy and his family were sleeping on the floor of a warehouse after the hurricane took out his home... his lived in the south. He relocated to a enw warehouse, he is now back to the original place. Yes, they did lose contact with their customers and my order took 1 month to get.. along with others. but they stopped all orders until they get all the rest out.. They are giving away freebies in an effort to keep customers. pissed a lot of ppl off, but they are still legit
    i know the story, my order was placed way before the hurricanes. i might try them out one more time, still choked about that one order i never got though............ win some lose some eh.

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