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Thread: alcohol on needle

  1. #1

    alcohol on needle

    I have been doing 75mg prop & 75mg tren E3D and the pain seems to get worse everytime I do it. I rotate delts only so far. I swab the injection site with alcohol and then clean the needle with alcohol prior to injection. I know that pain is normal, but am I adding more pain by swabbing the needle? Can I get an infection from this?
    Thanks Bros

  2. #2
    no need to swab the should be sterile if ur using a new needle everytime.

  3. #3
    could this be the reason for the increased pain? I'm in my 4th week and I thought my body would get used to the stuff but it still hurts like a MF.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by devildawg
    could this be the reason for the increased pain? I'm in my 4th week and I thought my body would get used to the stuff but it still hurts like a MF.
    Do NOT touch, do NOT swab the needle prior to injecting. if you havent already had an infection consider yourself lucky. please stop that practice

  5. #5
    haha damn dude. yeah dont swab the needle!! it will probably get it dirtier to be honest. just swab the site before and after if you wish. also swab the vial if you are drawing from a vial. let the alcohol evaporate before drawing(should only take a couple seconds). This should help a little but some people say that prop is painful for them to inject.

  6. #6
    thx Bros. I thought I was being extra clean by doing this. I will definitely stop before I F*#k something up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    U.K wales
    yeah mate no need to touch the needle it should be brand new out of the packet everytime.
    dont reuse the needles!

  8. #8
    anyone else notice his dosages? 75mg of prop and tren every 3rd day. Isnt that a little infrequent for such short acting esthers???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    No longer active
    half life 2 to 3 days, and some ppl like to take it ED.
    E3D is not so bad... depending on how he reacts, but to get more stable levels, he should go to EOD.

    just my 2c

  10. #10
    I get pretty good results so far E3D. I don't think I could take the pain of the prop if I went EOD. It takes my delts 4-5 days to stop hurting now. In my 4th week, started at 209 up to 218.

  11. #11
    I think you should go with Ed, less sides. Glad to hear you have stopped swabbing the needle, that could have been bad. Swap the site, and the top of the vial, only. I wait for it to dry too.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Never use the same needle twice always use a clean needle and you don't have to worry about alcohol.

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