what should 1 do to keep gains and loose fat?
what supplements should 1 take no to loose muscles and
to loose fat?
thanks guys
what should 1 do to keep gains and loose fat?
what supplements should 1 take no to loose muscles and
to loose fat?
thanks guys
keepin gains after cycle & losing fat depends on your diet not supplements although you must take clomid & nolvadex after cycle so you bring back your natural Testosterone levels read the Educational thread pheedno pct "post cycle therapy"
i had arimidex
but i am doing cardio in the morning and im afraid to loose the muscle i gained
so im taking hmb,glutamine,creatine and x factor(arachidonic acid)
does this any help?
ive started using igf during pct and since i started doing that ive not only kept my gains but i made more gains during pct
you should have done research before starting any cycle bro go get Clomid 50mg pills fast btw what was your last inj & what did you use??
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i used tes gh insulin dynobol procure arimidix and parilac
what does clomid do?
Go to Post Cycle Therapy "PCT" section & read pheedno PCT & the pct start times clomid bring back your shut down test production.
thanks for the answers
i would like to ask you
do you know how to take bcaa for best results?
i have capsuls 1000 mg
thanks again
bro you had your cycled sust out with all the right gear and arimidex. im sure you would of known the need of anti estergeon for pct. if you cant get nolvadex by the time pct extent your cycle gets there or use arimidex in it place until it arrives . arimidex wont help recover but better than getting gyno.
get hcg and nolvadex , clomid is good but nolvadex is better stops gyno even better use both for even better results. and i would of saved the gh and insulin for your pct bro if you wanted to conserve your pct gains .
but dont u need to start the GH earlier than when PCT to get any benefit from it? Thats what I remember reading..
Pheendo's PCT...
damn you used insulin and dont know what clomid is? count youre blessings that youre still aliveOriginally Posted by gg1
A basic PCT stacked with some Clen.
im only taken deca 250 for 10 weeks and dbol for 4 weeks will i need a pct?
deca 200 week dbol 50 day..............
You need Test! And you sure as hell need PCT!Originally Posted by 5ocal
deca and dbol hmmm sounds like someone has some reading to do
tell me some info take me to school............
also how is the bd deca 250?any one im new to this so i do need help
Hey hey....Originally Posted by Spyder
Good to see u back bro![]()
sorry but cant u tell me some thing i dont know lol jk ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
is it hard to get pct....?
Thanks dude, nice avatarOriginally Posted by grimnlock
5ocal, you should not go anywhere near steroids! Put them away now![]()
why is that........any whays what a lil deca a dbol gona do.....just lookn 4 a lil more size.na mean
Okay if you want a lil more size do this.Originally Posted by 5ocal
500mg/week for 12 weeks Test Enanthate
30mg/day for 6 weeks(or 40mg/day for 4 weeks) Dbol
PCT: Clomid and Nolva two weeks after last shot of Test(i like Nolva by itself, works for me)
thanks man.......but all im work with is some deca and some dbol know what....and please dont tell me to put them away cuz im gona take them anyways so please help
cant i get gains off that
i give up
Hahaha... thanx broOriginally Posted by Spyder
Stop being a whiny baby.Originally Posted by 5ocal
If you're askin for help then start by listening.
As Spyder proposed do the test cycle if you
still want to use steroid although advised not to.
Don't be adamant on doin something which would
just end up being a waste of money and time.
Try using the "search" tool. Type "deca only".
Read up the search results and you would have a better pic.
Look into the PCT forum and read up about it.
Stick around and read up a lil more.
Lots of pro's here willing to help you out ONLY and IF
you're willing to co-operate.
Good luck bro.
Definately need to keep your calories high and proper PCT.
Should have used a test for the base instead of deca.
50 cal.
It is obvious that you haven't researched much of anything or you wouldn't be taking what you are taking right now. You are being way too impatient just to gain a little size.
I would be willing to bet that your diet is not in check either if you have studied as much on that as you have on AAS.
You are going to be the guy at the gym that others laugh at because you run a quick cycle that puts some water on you and you gain a bit of strength only to have you lose every bit of it and possibly more within 6 weeks and all the girls will be telling stories of how your weenie didn't work.
But I guess you are going to do it anyway. Have fun.
BTW- Nice job hijacking the thread.
lol....girls love limp dick cuz then u have to eat the muffff...my diet is good been eating evry 3 hours chicken,tuna,taderz,oats,fruits,shacks,slimfast,ca degechesse,high cal weight gainer.work out hard...its only been 2 weeks my cheast is bigger then its ever been.also some told me dbol acts like test that why i thoght to dbol deca.....
back 2 the thread how much clomid will i need?
the one that seling on the pub
take clen during pct
I must agree, I have never seen such a nice hijack before, you can't even notice it can you. Just scroll up and see how smoothly he enter this thread and just hijacks it!! Hahaaaa!
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