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Thread: First Show

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    First Show

    Im planning on doing my first show in early May. I plan to start about 12 weeks out to get prepared early without having a mad rush that could cost me muscle. Im 21yrs old, 5' 10", 215lbs, with right at 13% bodyfat.

    Would it be more effective to do my cardio in the morning and lift late afternoon, or together, or does it really make a difference?

    Im also trying to get my diet and pre diet pic up as soon as possible.

  2. #2
    I would uggest doing cardio after weights for the first few weeks and just use a caloric/nutrient manipualtion to begin the loss of bodyfat.When things start to slow down around week 4 then you can switch to c/v am weights pm.Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    since this is your first time to compete, i would start earlier if it was me...Different people need different amounts of time to hit their peak...if you get ready ahead of schedule, you can work with it better than trying to go extreme dieting the last couple weeks...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    Thanks Doc

    That makes sense, I guess I'll try to adjust my diet and training within the next week. Since its my first time, Im just worried about losing muscle. Im gonna finalize my diet in the next few days and i could use so help making adjustments. Thanks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Myrtle Beach, SC


    Here goes the diet...

    Meal 1
    10 egg whites, cup of mixed oats

    Meal 2
    12 oz worth of ground turkey, flax oil

    meal 3
    10 oz of chicken breast, cup of brocholi

    Meal 4
    PWO: 40g whey pro, 80g of dextrose

    Meal 5
    10-14 oz of lean steak, brown rice

    Meal 6
    60g of whey pro, natty peanut butter

    How does it look? Once its right, should I change anything as I near the show date?
    again: 21yrs 5'10'' 215lbs 13% bf....Im about three and a half months out. Should I prob go ahead and adjust diet and training?

  6. #6
    could use more complex carbs ie brown rice especially early in the day and post workout. Rememeber carbs are protein sparing meaning that your body will burn the carbs for energy before burning protein(muscle tissue) via gluconeogenisis. So i would drop the protein abit now and add the same number of carbs in as you dropped out via protein. As you near the show date then you begin to drop the carbs lower to the point you have them at now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    can u give us the macros please the fat seems to be a tad low

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Myrtle Beach, SC


    I changed some things up a bit and added the details. My stats are in the lst post.

    Meal 1
    10 egg whites, 1 cup of oatmeal

    Meal 2
    8 oz of low fat gorund turkey, 2 tbsp of flax oil

    Meal 3
    8 oz lean steak, cup and 1/2 of brown rice

    Meal 4
    PWO: 2 scoops of whey pro. and 80g of dextrose

    Meal 5
    10 oz of lean steak, four slices of whole wheat bread

    Meal 6
    8 oz of chicken breast, 4 tbsp all natty peanut butter

    Total: 315g pro, 240g carbs, 93g of fat. Right around 3000 cal.
    What do you think I should add, take out, or adjust. Im a hardgainer that will cut fairly easy, I just have a fear of losing muscle while I shread.
    My current diet is just over 4000 cal with a focus on high carbs.
    Last edited by Dark Spivey; 01-19-2006 at 08:09 AM.

  9. #9
    something that works for me is to do cardio when i first wake up on a empty stomach and then weight later in the day...this way i burn fat with low blood suger do to the empty stomach and then i can focus my energy later on in the day on my weights...this did work for me but everyone is differant

  10. #10
    dooey that is a good point however i will usually have my clients hold off on c/v in the am on empty stomach (bcaa pre/post c/v)until later on in the program to make it more effective when things become tougher late in the diet and downregulation appears.

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