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Thread: Test E lab, Anyone heard of it?

  1. #1

    Test E lab, Anyone heard of it?

    My guy says he can get me testoviron depot 250mg/1ml(test enanthate made by Schering)

    has anyone heard of this lab? i haven't really seen this name come up to often if at all in this forum.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Behind the HotMom!
    Schering is a legit company. It is not a UGL. So a seach for them. They will come up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Schering is one of the best companies available. The Test Depots by them are out of this world (granted they are legit).

  4. #4
    ya my bad guys, i actually just did a search on the forum and schering came up everywhere seems like its pretty prefered and pretty good shit. Thanks you two

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    get a sample of this mate and check it out on the steroid pics forum because the shering testoviron is greatly faked!!do not take it as gospel if your source says its legit!!check it out for yourself.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    get a sample of this mate and check it out on the steroid pics forum because the shering testoviron is greatly faked!!do not take it as gospel if your source says its legit!!check it out for yourself.
    ya i checked the pictures of this stuff so i know what to look for, i've had nothing but good experiences with my source so i don't think he would be sending me fake shit but you never know as their trying to make money like everyone else. I believe most of his injectable he justs buys OTC because like i said he lives in greece and its legal there, plus he said he can only get about 10 amps every week. I'm not exactly sure how it works in countrys where steroids are legal i would imagine its just OTC at your local pharmacy, correct me if i'm wrong? And the fact that he said he can only get 10 amps every week would lead me to believe thats exactly what he's doing cause i don't imagine pharmacy's would allow someone to buy 100amps at once for the exact reason that they would have the feeling that person would be selling the gear to people in other country's. But i will definately compare the amps i receive with the pictures on this forum to be 100% sure
    Last edited by Njectable; 01-17-2006 at 10:59 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by motoxer23
    ya i checked the pictures of this stuff so i know what to look for, i've had nothing but good experiences with my source so i don't think he would be sending me fake shit but you never know as their trying to make money like everyone else. I believe most of his injectable he justs buys OTC because like i said he lives in greece and its legal there, plus he said he can only get about 10 amps every week. I'm not exactly how it works in countrys where steroids are legal i would imagine its just OTC at your local pharmacy, correct me if i'm wrong? And that fact that he said he can only get 10 amps every week would lead me to believe thats exactly what he's doing cause i don't imagine pharmacy's would allow someone to buy 100amps at once for the exact reason that they would have the feeling that person would be selling the gear to people in other country's. But i will definately compare the amps i receive with the pictures on this forum to be 100% sure

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