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Thread: Herbs ok for PCT?

  1. #1

    Herbs ok for PCT?

    Hey, heres my situation, I've reseached PCT options and Nolva and HCG seems the best combo , Nolva to block estrogen damage while HCG gets your nuts back up to Par. 50% of the info i read said Nolva alone was good enough alone to bring endogenous Test levels back up while the other 50% said you would need more help, since i can't get my hands on HCG im wondering if using herbs known to stimulate natrual test would be just as good. (Yohimbe bard, Horny goat weed, Gota Kola root, ginsing perhaps) thanks.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Gymrat829
    Hey, heres my situation, I've reseached PCT options and Nolva and HCG seems the best combo , Nolva to block estrogen damage while HCG gets your nuts back up to Par. 50% of the info i read said Nolva alone was good enough alone to bring endogenous Test levels back up while the other 50% said you would need more help, since i can't get my hands on HCG im wondering if using herbs known to stimulate natrual test would be just as good. (Yohimbe bard, Horny goat weed, Gota Kola root, ginsing perhaps) thanks.
    What cycle are you going to be doing? Test E?

    If so, I would use 20mg nolva and 100mg clomid ED for 4 weeks or until you have fully recovered.
    If you have extra cash, I would go with 0.25mg arimidex ED for 4 weeks as well. It will top anything tongkat ali or tribulus could do. Tongkat ali is an excellent addition to PCT, though.

  3. #3
    Yea i've learned About Tongkat ali since i've posted that, Im going to use Hcg for the last half of my Test E cycle then after the Half life expires i plan to start Nolva and Tonkat ali...I hear clomid can screw up your vision and its an inferior drug to nolva anyhow, i hear arimidex causes bad cramping and messes with your heart. thanks for your help!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Gymrat829
    Yea i've learned About Tongkat ali since i've posted that, Im going to use Hcg for the last half of my Test E cycle then after the Half life expires i plan to start Nolva and Tonkat ali...I hear clomid can screw up your vision and its an inferior drug to nolva anyhow, i hear arimidex causes bad cramping and messes with your heart. thanks for your help!
    What dose are you going to run your nolva at? Arimidex messes with your heart? Where did you hear that information from?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    What dose are you going to run your nolva at? Arimidex messes with your heart? Where did you hear that information from?
    20mg a day, im going with AAR, anyway as far as the armidex, maybe I confused it with another PCT option but basically i reseached them all and i feel safest with HCG and Nolva. I think i read armidex causes cramps and your heart is racing all day though. thanks again!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Midwest USA
    Arimidex doesn't do that. Sounds like clenbuterol to me.
    You can add an ATD product into your PCT. "PCT" by AnabolicXtreme is one example. Or you can add some aromasin. I actually make a Tamoxifen/Exemestane combo for PCT that I love.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by N4cer
    Arimidex doesn't do that. Sounds like clenbuterol to me.
    You can add an ATD product into your PCT. "PCT" by AnabolicXtreme is one example. Or you can add some aromasin. I actually make a Tamoxifen/Exemestane combo for PCT that I love.
    Yeah, I'm thinking you are talking about clen as well.

    I would research arimidex more because it is an excellent AI.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Gymrat829
    20mg a day, im going with AAR, anyway as far as the armidex, maybe I confused it with another PCT option but basically i reseached them all and i feel safest with HCG and Nolva. I think i read armidex causes cramps and your heart is racing all day though. thanks again!
    If you are doing nolva-only, I would increase the dose up to 60mg ED.

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