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Thread: PCT Advice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    PCT Advice.

    I'm finishing up a cyp/tren cycle, going to run test a couple weeks post tren. I've been taking a little Nolva for the passed couple weeks.

    I'm getting HCG Monday and plan to run that until the end of my cycle, do you guys think that NOlva (after HCG) will be good enough for PCT or do you all think that CLomid is the best? I've heard that Nolva is fine by itself, would like your feedback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    your best using both nova and clomide the are not the same. they both work in different ways to help ur body recover. it takes test cyp 18 days to clear out off your system so dont start pct til 18 days after your last shot and do not take any hcg between ur last shot and the start off pct it will only kid our body int thinkin it still has testosterone in it and u will take longer to recover.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Los Angeles
    PCT by anthony Roberts
    using HCG:
    Week 1
    Nolvadex: 20mg/day, HCG: 500 IU/day, Aromasin 20mg/day, Vit. E 1000 IU/day
    Nolvadex: 20mg/day, HCG: 500 IU/day, Aromasin 20mg/day, Vit. E: 1000 iu/day
    Week 3
    Nolvadex: 20mg/day, HCG: 500 IU/day, Aromasin 20mg/day, Vit. E: 1000 IU/day
    Week 4
    Nolvadex: 20mg/day, Aromasin 20mg/day
    Week 5
    Nolvadex: 20mg/day
    Week 6
    Nolvadex: 20mg/day

    If you decide not to use HCG I belive clomid is best. PM me if you want the full article.

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