here is my arm 19" unflexed does it look weird to you other than my paleness. My default picture above i like better because of the tan.
here is my arm 19" unflexed does it look weird to you other than my paleness. My default picture above i like better because of the tan.
Last edited by TheRel33; 03-28-2006 at 01:22 PM.
ahhhhhhhh no, do you think it does. kind of hard to tell unless you flex
looks fine
Looks fine.. what do you think is wrong with it?
Looks swollen. Doest look like the arm in you avatar. That one looks smaller and more defined. This one looks like a fat person arm or something.
yeah the one in the avatar was 17" and was 3 years ago. im not really trying to cut right now just trying to put on the most size possible.
Oh then its probably fine, just looked wierd compared to the other one. Your from elkhart, ever hear of JLFcatalog?
no never heard of it, what is JLFcatalog?
looks very swollen ,the bicep head in relation to the forarm is disproportionate.
Its a catalog based there and they used to sell clen, and a bunch of other enhancements. They also sold a bunch of other chemicals basically legal drugs that give you the effects of street drugs. They had a website too not sure if they still do.Originally Posted by TheRel33
what does it looks swollen mean? are you trying to say it looks injured or something what does that mean? i think its because i am holding my wrist a certain way that the forearm looks smaller. my forearm is 15" compared to 19" inch arm is this too big of a difference? Thanks.
Looks like any arm would during a bulking phase
Looks like you got cancer bro, sorry.![]()
no perhaps its just the angle you took the picture at.Originally Posted by TheRel33
19" uppers and 15" forearms is the same as mine. I think the angle the pic is taken on throws off the proportions...
why do you say this?Originally Posted by Hellmask
Originally Posted by TheRel33
Because the way your bicep slopes on your muscle belly to the titisulis tendon you supanenex of you bottome forearm is sketchy.
I think you got ARMITUS.
what is armitus? I think it's just because my inner head is more developed than my outer head.Originally Posted by Hellmask
Last edited by TheRel33; 03-28-2006 at 03:43 PM.
I think you got ARMITUS.![]()
why is that funny
lmaoOriginally Posted by Hellmask
he's joking bro, dont start freaking out
im not freaking out but i don't think we should be joking about cancer imo
lmao..damn i was laughin pretty hard at that.Originally Posted by Hellmask
Looks kinna swollen or something..hard to tell cuz its all zoomed in
theres no such thing as armitus thats why its funny. jeez man, lighten up or learn it up and be able to take a joke. either or, lighten up. your picture looks fine. all better now? maybe take a picture where we can see your arm and give an honest opinion of it. like your avatar, that's an arm? could have fooled me.why is that funny
DAMN! i just turned the wrong way in my seat, my back.....i think i need a backeality to fix this........ j/k
Last edited by timtim; 03-28-2006 at 05:00 PM.
yo dude what if your mom had cancer would it be funny then? I don't think so jackass. maybe you need to get your computer fixed if you cant tell thats an arm. lets see yours.Originally Posted by timtim
dont pull that "what if" bs on me you little cry baby. this is an internet messageboard and i have no clue of yours or anyone elses family health history. just because your too gullible to pick up on a joke dont pull a hissy fit with me.
calling me a jackass, hahahahahahaha
your the one too stupid to pick up on a joke. ya, you were diagnosed with cancer from a 2 inch picture from online by some guy with no medical training.
if you do have someone with cancer in your family i wish them the best and hope for a full recovery. i have lost immediate family members to cancer so i know the feeling but dont pull this woah as me shit like i'm supposed to know any of your relatives and their health history cause i dont. dont assume, makes an ass of u and that dumbed down enough for you to get?
listen yo, call me a crybaby? i wasn't crying about anything my mom doesn't have cancer and no one else i know does either. I was just saying it's not something you should joke about. how about you go to a hospital and tell that joke to someone who really does and see how funny it is then. Or maybe we can joke about the fact that you don't care about anyone or anything other than your self.
Originally Posted by TheRel33
By the way your presenting yourself I think you have dumassitus. GEEZ man , what do you want us to say about your pic? It's an arm....that has armitus.
Either way bro, your acting like your a brain dead zombie that can't think.
Looks like your holding a bit of water in the arm? Are you cycled on? Or maybe just high bf % or not drinking enough water?
You guys are giving me laughitus!
Good stuff.
Arm looks good - no worries.
Dude how old are you 15? dumassitus? i can see you think you're funny but you are not. that was one of the stupidest remarks i have heard in my life.Originally Posted by Hellmask
are you done my little cry baby? you sound like a chick who just found out she was cheated on. you sassy little minx you! ggrrrooowwwwlllllllisten yo, call me a crybaby? i wasn't crying about anything my mom doesn't have cancer and no one else i know does either. I was just saying it's not something you should joke about. how about you go to a hospital and tell that joke to someone who really does and see how funny it is then. Or maybe we can joke about the fact that you don't care about anyone or anything other than your self.
so i'm the one who has lost immediate family members to cancer but i'm insensitive even after you tried to use the logic, through inference, that you have a mother ill with cancer - and using this to try and make my post seem selfish and insensitive - more proof your a chick, using misdirection to get your way......... MEOW!!! see inference is when you word things to make people understand something that isnt there. so you used your half moronic logic to prove what point? that i'm selfish. this is almost as retarded as you thinking you have cancer because someone saw your picture and said that.
i see, this is a smoke screen to mask the fact that your a complete dumb ass who bought into someone saying you may have cancer. ok i'm done with you. i seriously feel like i have lost major iq points responding to your idiocy.
later sweety!![]()
honestly dude are you gay who the Fu*k talks like this "you sassy little minx you!" if you didn't understand wtf i was saying you're the dumbass. I never once thought i had cancer but im begining to think you do. So why don't you take the cum out of you eyes and read what is written. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!Originally Posted by timtim
dude your arm looks like greg valentinos arm it looks as if you used synthol
Originally Posted by Hellmask
Heck I thought it was funny and I have lost several very close family members to cancer. He was just joking with you. No need to take it personal.
i never took synthol!Originally Posted by bignatt
You use synthol?
-B D
If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!
If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!
“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”
nice george costanza line. wow, seinfeld jokes, i feel like its so 1999. you, your pretty witty there - that means you have a sharp sense of humor, in case you dont get that line, i mean pretty witty can mean alot of things but in your case, razor sharp wit!Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!
your too dumb and this is old. you think i have cancer? you think i'm gay?
here i'll help you out. the chick remarks are towards you because your a straight up bitch, cry baby. you are the chic making up lies and drama. you are the bitch. got that? your pretty slow and stupid as per your responses, i hope this sinks in to that thick dome you got there (thats your head in case your confused) - your a bitch crying about a joke that went flying over your head. your dense and whiny.
ohh, i forgot to tell you too, they left........
the people who give a shit that is
i'm done here, last post.![]()
I think hes freakin hilarious....relax man it was a joke, like the opposite of serious, sorry you took offense to the subject matter but if we start regulating that we wont be able to make one joke because everyone will be pissed off at something I think you should just chill, and btw if you are bulking your arm probably should look a bit swollen what with the extra weight and water.Originally Posted by TheRel33
uh no
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