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Thread: First Cycle Diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Cool First Cycle Diet

    I'm about to start my first cycle and wanted to run my diet by you guys for some suggestions.

    I'm 37, 6'3", 195, 13% bf. I'm trying to put on lean mass, but will probably concentrate on some bulk through the cycle and then lean out later (that comes easier for me).

    My cycle is 9 weeks of Test Eth/EQ at 400 mg/wk each. Winny at 50 mg/day is started in week 4-9. Finish off with Clomid.

    I work out 4 days/week and do cardio 4 days/week for 30 minutes.

    My planned diet is around 200 g protien, 400 g carbs and 60 g fat each day. Generally, I eat 3 meals and fill in with Myoplex shakes. I also take a fair amount of supliments (BCA, CLA, HMB, Methoxy Factor, Creatine).

    In generall, I have a problem gaining muscle mass, but that is without any AS. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Looks pretty solid except I would recommend really upping the protein. In general 1g per pound of bodywieght is an acceptable formula for a natural athlete but when your on AAS your protein synthesis is greatly increased. At your size I would say try for 400g per less than 300g. Eat big...grow big. Just make sure your eating clean whole foods as much as you can. Myoplex MRP's are ok but don't depend on them. Good luck bro. If you have any more questions just ask.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Make sure you are getting enough cals in there, i would say from the way your body type is that you should be around 5k a day.

    Also, increase your protien, 350-400g/day. Make sure you are splitting all this up through out the day. 6-7 meals, including you shakes. Diet is very crucial here, make sure you eat eat eat..
    Hope this helps, good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Drop cardio and add it as necessary ... Your not eating enough based on that diet stated .... and your 3 meals must not have enough protein per sitting if your only having 3 food meals and 3 shakes .... the shakes are 120 grams by themselves ,... Every meal should have a protein of around 40 grams .... based on your selected goal you may need to modify this intake ... but 40 grams X 6 meals is 240 grams ,,, if you need more than that split them up over the 6 meals or add a 7th ... and space them as evenly as possible ..

    What do you do for work ? and ow active is it ...?
    good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Thanks for the tips. I'll try and up the protien level and add another meal or two.

    I have a desk job, so generally, I'm not too active during the day. I also travel frequently which can make this extra difficult. You should see my carry-on with all my bars, mixes, tuna, and stuff.

    As far as cardio, my trainer has asked me to lower the amount I have been doing (1 hour hard workout on eliptical) since I have been dropping weight. My diet up to this point has been much lower in calories (around 200 g protien, 300 g carbs and 25g fat). So I'm hoping that the reduced cardio, added food, and AS will change my course.

    Also, I forgot to mention that I am on 90 mg T3/day from my regular doctor for energy levels.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You're gonna have alot of extra energy when you're on and the EQ will really boost your appetite making it easier to get the protein and calories you need. As long as you get the bulk of your carbs fron complex sources (browm rice, wheat pasta, yams etc...) and limit the carbs you eat after 6:00pm you won't have a problem with carbs converting to fat. Good luck bro.


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