I'm about to start my first cycle and wanted to run my diet by you guys for some suggestions.
I'm 37, 6'3", 195, 13% bf. I'm trying to put on lean mass, but will probably concentrate on some bulk through the cycle and then lean out later (that comes easier for me).
My cycle is 9 weeks of Test Eth/EQ at 400 mg/wk each. Winny at 50 mg/day is started in week 4-9. Finish off with Clomid.
I work out 4 days/week and do cardio 4 days/week for 30 minutes.
My planned diet is around 200 g protien, 400 g carbs and 60 g fat each day. Generally, I eat 3 meals and fill in with Myoplex shakes. I also take a fair amount of supliments (BCA, CLA, HMB, Methoxy Factor, Creatine).
In generall, I have a problem gaining muscle mass, but that is without any AS. Any suggestions?