About 7 weeks ago this was the pic
Current progress as of last week
To the guy who said put a little meat on my pecs, i took your advice and hit some heavy flat and some good incline flys... good progress, Fina only.
About 7 weeks ago this was the pic
Current progress as of last week
To the guy who said put a little meat on my pecs, i took your advice and hit some heavy flat and some good incline flys... good progress, Fina only.
Dawg that's crazy!
Looking Sick Man!
keep up the good work man, definite improvement!!!
Thanks a lot guys, appreciate the comments.
nice work. im going to try the same
Looking sensational bro, the lady helping you pull your shirt up was obviously impressed to :-)
looks good![]()
damn your chest looks like it filled out pretty well. good job man
Congrats bro.... what a change. Question what is that wrapped around your hands?
great job..and in only a few weeks, keep up the good work
nice progress!
nice work man what are your stats?
nicely done ,my friend!![]()
looking great man ,nice chest progress ..whats your stats and cycle history if u dont mind ..
It looks like your hard work is paying off.
damn man gooood work...whats your chest workout look like
Wow, thanks for the kind words guys (and gals). To answer a couple questions around my hand was a bandage, i got stiches put in my hand after a drunken hot tub incident, haha. Hey, all the hard work has got to pay off a little.
My stats are 5'10" 218, i guess my bf was real low.. it got even lower then that picture. I used to be bigger, but i never had the right look i was going for, did a couple enanthate cycles, then a prop/winstrol. I was never able to get rid of all the water and estrogen fat deposits, so this time around i dropped the test completely and ran a relatively high fina dose 100mg/ED. It worked like a charm, but unfortunately i can't do it again, fina dick is no myth.
Running a low dose of anavar now, planning a test prop/fina cycle with an ultra dose of proviron, so hopefully i can get the best of both worlds.
My chest workout is finally doing some good for me, i can't describe how much incline flyes helped sculpt my chest. I never did them because of pec tears and such, but now i've healed completely. I never go over 25-30 lb dumbbells, i don't subscribe to going heavy on sculpting exercises, thats what the benchpress is for. 15-20 reps, until extreme exhaustion sets in, normally 4-5 sets. So flat bench, 3 heavy sets 8-10 reps, some hammer incline (4 heavy sets), then incline fyes. Hope that helps, but like i said, its the flyes that did it!! And the diet and Fina didn't hurt.
Thanks again for the kind words.
Looking good, I agree..... huge improvement in chest. Did you mention your age?
Any guesses on bodyfat in second pic? Just curious for my own reference....
Oh yeah, I'm 20... and for reference I would guess 6%-7%, but I don't have too much experience with it... I was very lean, so I think thats a fair guess. Thanks for the comment.
....looking sick man real good X what kinda of weight do you do for 10-15 reps on flat bench?
Haha, yeah good question bro!! I used to be big in powerlifting, fortunatley ive been lucky, with my size came lots of strength. Since that pic I've hammered out 365 for a set of 10, i can get 315 for 15 reps nice and easy. The strength gains that have come with Fina I can say are definitly comparable to a lower does of Anadrol, they just don't come quite as fast.
365 for 10...ur better than me partner
Props man, I cant belive your doing tren only. No sides?
Any way like I said big improvement, Your after photo is my goal in about 6 weeks (hopefully)
Ehh.. i don't know about no sides. My thermostat was set on about 60 degrees and i was still hot as shit, and the insomnia and high blood pressure were pretty serious, hard to get any great sleep, but i'd rather grow then sleep anyday. Also, the doctor said my blood pressure was alarmingly high... so yes side effects did exist, not to mention severe fina dick later on in the cycle. As I said, unfortunately i won't be running it without test again. No hair loss or acne though.... I was overall VERY pleased with the cycle. Hope that helps.
lookin cut up man. Great progress
Hey thanks again guys, hopefully ill have better update soon!
nice progress
Very noticeable improvement in such a short amount of time well done.
thanks again guys, ill give this another bump
Nice progress. what does the rest of you look like. Back, Legs?
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
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