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Thread: duretic question

  1. #1

    duretic question

    Im competing on july 8 and I have a couple of questions concerning durietics. it possible to go flat with 50mg of aldactazide taken fri night show is sat
    2. its usually very hot in montreal at that time of the year and even if you carb right you can end up looking flat if you dont drink a little water so if I take 25 mg aldactazide in the morning can i still drink water and not spill over and if so how much water exp: 500ml slowly throughout the day or 500 ml 1 hour before going on stage (some bbers drink alot more than that right before prejudging francis benfatto drinks 1 gallon) or 8oz with every meal till prejudging or not take any chance not drink at all.
    3. should I take 25mg aldactazide after supper and 25 mg around 11h00 or 50mg before going to bed for a better overall effect.
    4. my aldactazide exprired july 2005 I know there still good but do they lose a bit of there effectiveness.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    1) no, tis dose should not make you flat, i would recomend fat/carb loadin (sh*t loading) the morning of the show to avaoid going flat.
    2) I would not drink water, small sip here and ther is fine but nothing else, maybe couple of icecubes...
    3) I would take 25mg onehour before cutting water and the 25 mg 8 hours later
    4) Usually medication looses 10% of it's effectivness every year afterthe expiary, so it's proly 45mg which is still fine...good luck...XXL

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