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Thread: i just threw up my clomid

  1. #1

    i just threw up my clomid

    okay i realized i missed yesterdays dose of clomid so i took that and todays, which makes 100mg so thats not the problem..
    but as soon as i swallowed the pills i threw up right out of my mouth i dont feel bad or anything not even a little sick i just threw up and i tried to drink something to wash the taste out of my throat and mouth and i threw that right back up
    oh right before i swallowed the clomid it started to break down on my tongue and it was a terrible taste all in my mouth could that be it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    South West UK
    I've done that before with those HUGE mutli vit tablets... sometimes for unknown reasons they hit the gag reflex..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sometimes that happens to me if i dont get water to wash them down. mostly like dizzle said. those huge ass multi-vitamins. they stink real bad too, which im sure doesnt help.

  4. #4
    good advice guys

    i threw up from animal pack when i got it i only took one day i have 43 left

  5. #5
    Were they Anfarm? Because thats what i use and those break down extremely fast so if ur not quick to get it down ur gonna taste that lovely flavor, its even worse though when they stick to your throat going down.

  6. #6
    yeaaaha anfarm
    its like a piece of chalk i would rather rub one out on my grandma than eat these

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine
    yeaaaha anfarm
    its like a piece of chalk i would rather rub one out on my grandma than eat these
    ya its bad, but i'm not sure i'd go that far bro lol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    what about dropping it in a glass of water, letting it dissolve, then down the glass of water?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by unvme9180
    what about dropping it in a glass of water, letting it dissolve, then down the glass of water?
    then ur gonna taste it for sure atleast if you try and swallow it if you do it quick enough before it breaks down u don't hafta deal with that nasty taste.

  10. #10
    I got so wasted 1 time.

    I had like 35 shots of clomid...spiked with a litle nolva....

    whew...shit...was throwing up all over the place

    And as for those huge multi-vitamins, I just plug them up my well, dont have to swallow...

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    South West UK
    Try using milk to wash them down with, it helps lubricate your mouth/throat and I find tablets slide down much better. The trick is to have the milk ready and neck a shot of it down just after the tablets have gone in your gob.

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