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Thread: IGF during PCT

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    IGF during PCT

    Ok, so heres the deal. I am currently on cycle. Just finishing up week 3 of:

    1-4 50 mg dbol ed
    1-14 500 mg test ew
    1-13 600 mg eq ew
    11-16 60 mg tbol ed
    4-16 500 iu hcg e3d
    1-16 proviron 50mg ed
    1-16 adex .5 mg ed

    17-20 Aromasin 25mg ed
    17 Nolva 60 mg ed
    18 Nolva 40 mg ed
    19 Nolva 20 mg ed
    20 Nolva 10 mg ed

    also liv52, mislk thistle...etc and all that jazz

    ...anyways, before I started I was dieting. Never really had an accurate ways to check bf, just went of the way I felt and other peoples comments. I was waiting until I was, what I felt, low enough bf to start. Well anyways, I started and at week 3 in I am about 12 solid lbs up. At my gym they just got a machine that does bf%. It is one of the ones where you grab the handles and tell it your weight and age and sh*t. It tells me I am at 14% which is not what I wanted to hear. My diet is pretty clean, not as clean as when I was dieting, but still clean, so I'm sure it will continue to drop.

    Is it possible that some of the 14% is cause of water retention from the dbol?
    but thats besides the point

    i know, taking me a long time to get to the question... well anyways, im looking at my pct and thinking about some IGF. What do you guys think about that? I know it is only good for retaining gains and losing fat. Does it work well with low carb diets? And on that note, is it stupid to run a low carb diet during pct? low cal diet? keto diet? NAlso, am I correct in assuming it is a bad idea to run it with clen? I would think blood sugars could drop to a dangerous level.

    Anyways, some pointers would help. Thanks guys, Peace out

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    You need to wait 3 week before starting pct with EQ, unless it has the enethatate ester and never limit your pct to a length of time, do it until your sex drive comes back


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    well, right. I do wait three weeks after the eq stops to start pct. Eq ends on 13, then 14,15,16,...on 17 I start pct. Also, I do have plenty of nolva and aromasin to continue until sex drive comes back. Not to mention tribulus and extra proviron if I should chose. The real question is about the IGF...

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