The PS3 goes on sale Friday the 17th. This morning on the way in I saw 15 people in line at the Sony store. They're camping on the street for 4 days!!!
The PS3 goes on sale Friday the 17th. This morning on the way in I saw 15 people in line at the Sony store. They're camping on the street for 4 days!!!
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
Check this out! Best Buy in Atlanta.
They're almost sure to get booted off the property, but for the time being, the crew camped out at an Atlanta, Georgia area Best Buy is camping in style. Not only are they armed with some serious console entertainment, they have a DVD player and a real life woman who is bringing them meals three times a day.
Check the jump for the sweet set up.
That's right, an Xbox 360, a Super Nintendo, two televisions and a DVD player to keep them occupied. All powered courtesy of the adjacent Bed, Bath & Beyond, whom I'm sure is just as thrilled as Best Buy to have them camped out on the sidewalk.
We'll let you know when the cops show up or they're assaulted for their 360.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
haha holy shit thats awesome...i want one too bad they're like 600bucks.
They need to get a fuking life! maybe hit the gym rather than some dumbass waste of time video game. wtf is so great about spending hours a day playing a video game?
video game- I'm master of the universe
real life- I'm a loser that lives with my parents while playing video games after getting off a "long" 4 hour shift at blockbuster![]()
Thats insane!!
Well so much for standing in line a couple hours early.
I think best buy will leave them alone because they love the publicitycan you say "losers"
Actually those stores are letting them do this, at least here in Boston. However I think they were going to let people start camping come thursday morning no earlier. Then again, they do love the publicity.
If people concentrated as hard on there diets as they do on these silly games then the world would be erm... Thinner!!!!
PS3s suck!!
You guys gotta read this:
Burbank (CA) - People are willing to go through hell to get the upcoming Sony PlayStation 3 console and there are already lines forming for November 17th launch. We went to the Best Buy store in Burbank where people started lining up on Monday November 6th, 11 days. Watch our video as one guy explains how he quit his job to stand in line, while another won't be buying his girlfriend an engagement ring anytime soon.
Food and drinks weren't a problem because the group brought a cooler full of sodas, bottled water and other beverages. There were plenty of fast-food restaurants within walking distance and fellow group members along with Best Buy employees were happy to save spots. Employees also let the group use the restrooms inside.
Waiting in line for more than a week is bad enough, but some in the group called off sick and one guy even quit his job to stand in line. To make it even worse, the one who called in sick has postponed his engagement with his girlfriend because the money that would have gone into buying a ring will be used to buy a PlayStation 3.
The last guy in line didn't want to go on camera, but he told us that he wasn't sure if there were enough PlayStation 3 consoles. Apparently Best Buy employees are very tight lipped on exactly how many consoles the store will be receiving.
You may remember the media reports of people being robbed of their Xbox 360 consoles during last year's launch, but this group won't let that happen. They have vowed to 'back each other up' if anything happens and even boasted that an armed robber won't take them down. "He won't have enough bullets to take us all down," said one guy. They added that the police have been quite nice and are regularly drive by to check on the group.
Some passing customers asked if the line was for concert tickets or for a musician signing, while others gave weird looks, but these guys took it in stride, saying, "They look at us like we have nothing to do... but we are getting a PlayStation 3."
Most Best Buy stores will receive a limited number of Sony PlayStation 3 consoles.
A crowd has already started lining up at the Best Buy store on 1501 North Victory Place in Burbank.
Ten hardcore customers wait for the PlayStation 3. The second from the left quit his job to wait in line. The third from the left postponed his engagement. (Two others are off camera)
"Line Starts Here" - The group hold up their penguin mascot. The penguin has nothing to do with Linux and is just something they found.
Waiting in style. The group had inflatable beds, tents and chairs to ease the wait.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
i hope it rains ahahhaha![]()
I should have more than one PS3 on friday morning so if anyone wants one let me know. Two of my friends, my fiancee and myself are all picking one up. They will all be for sale. Anyone interested let me know.
i just heard that the ps3 might actually only become available to the uk in may, as there is likely to be a larger shortage than expected. strange considering the uk will be paying the most.
Those pics make me sick! A bunch of fuking losers!
What a bunch of ****ing losers. Only in America! If that is'nt proof that the American education system is ****ed up, i don't know what is.
*shakes head in disgust*
***No source checks!!!***
reminds me of the south park episode where cartman is waiting for the release of the Nintendo WEE "Cmmooon,Cmmooooooon"!!!!
Hey I weS ejamakatED i amriCeOriginally Posted by muriloninja
I couldn't agree more. They didn't even teach us how to balance a freaking check book.
Shut to fuck up haters. If someone likes to play games who are you to talk shit about them? Everyone should be able to do their thing without all the bullshit talk. I'm sure many people out there think we're 'losers' because we workout and take steroids.
they are sure to get waterbombed and egged hard and ect. prolly bashed by gangsters before the 17th. oh and if any one them has cash say goodbye also credit cards.
I just wish i had that much time on my hands.
I'll quote William Shatner from the SNL episode with the Star Trek convention.
What if you just said fuk it and cut in line![]()
hehe its true. i have expirenced both lifestyles to a extent. and people that play alot of games are happy with what they do as we are usually so let emOriginally Posted by BajanBastard
Yeah!! what are those fukin dorks gonna do??!!Originally Posted by goodcents
yeh how are u going to stop somone walking right down the middle as soon as the door opens. no one can stop u and i dont think the store can make gates ect. to ensure there is a line. i cant wait to see a bunch of people walk straight past them 1 hr before it starts and not moveOriginally Posted by goodcents
Hey your not camping out side a shop are you????Originally Posted by BajanBastard
LOL J/K man.
Seriously i can't stand that shit; "Oh that guy doesn't life his life like how I would, what a loser!"
they hand out tickets. you have to have a ticket to get a PS3.Originally Posted by Foskamink
BustedOriginally Posted by perfectbeast2001
And what the hell does that mean, "life his life?"Originally Posted by BajanBastard
I got nothing against people who like games I play them from time to time. I just think they are sad because they are so impatient. It is juvenile to risk your job or relationship just so you can play a ps3 a few weeks earler than everyone else. I like Steroids but I would not let it interfere with my job and I would not sit outside my sources house for a week waiting for Zambons to arrive!!Originally Posted by BajanBastard
fvck it, i look at it like this. you get a couple of friends to stand in line with you, pay for all the PS3's, give your boys a couple of hunderd bucks for their time, sell the PS3's on ebay for $1500+ each. thats a pretty good turnaround for me.
guy who put off engagement is the only guy i really think deserves to get pissed on talk about being a loser. and yes i think that effort deserves the loser title/ hope the girlfriend finds out and dumps his sorry ass
Your just pissed cause now you know your not gonna get one. I'm typing this from in front of Gamestop. I got a generator, a tv, one deluxe reclining lawn chair, my dumbells, three tubs of protien, 5 gallons of water, 5 empty gallon water jugs (to piss in), and a copy of this months Perfect 10. GOOD TOO GO! See, you can be a meathead and a dork at the same time. Plus I'll make a Gazzilion dollars on Ebay when I sell my new PS3.Originally Posted by goodcents
LMAO send us a pic!Originally Posted by Yesevil
Originally Posted by Yesevil
well atleast this post is
thats quite ironic considering how many sony fanboys ripped on xbox fan boys last year for shortagesOriginally Posted by donniebrasco
That's what I'm doing next weekend!! Your not gonna make fun of me are you?Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
right im off to sit outside LIONS house and wait for the new batch of Cialis to arrive.
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