Last edited by Rogeruni; 01-14-2007 at 09:01 AM.
NO it would not be a good cycle.......i suggest you read some more man
what are you're stats?
I know the stuff.. but..
My stats are:
Would diana-winstrol every other day, be better then winstrol or diana seperate?
Last edited by Rogeruni; 11-24-2006 at 03:42 PM.
Could I get age and lifting experience as well pleaseOriginally Posted by Rogeruni
As for the cycle it is not a good idea because oral only cycles only are killer on the body, those compounds should not be run as long as you wanted to run them, they kinda do the opposite effects, and you wont keep the gains.
Basically it would be a train wreck on you're body.
19 years, liftet 1,5 years. i know this is way to young and to short exp.. i dont care, really. :POriginally Posted by kaberle_15
Wont keep gains on winstrol? thats a lot of bull, i know about the diana.
I know they are harsh on the body, but many bodybuilders do 6 weeks diana, for example.. and then it would not be more harmful to run it in a cycle alone..
but what would be best? Thinking of PCT n stuff. Dianabol & winstrol every other day, or diana or winstrol.?
As stated , BAD IDEA !!!
First of all, due to the effective half-life of both compounds, Taking EOD is a foolish waste ! They both need to be administered ED and several times a day !!
Not sure what bodybuilders you know that suggest doing them alone, but they are NOT doing it right.!!
Dude, all winstrol's gonna do is dry you out. And you want to stack that with Dbol? You will just gain water with dbol. You got 2 compounds fighting each other. I would say with a cycle like that you would keep about 5 pounds.
Also you want to take 2 17aa steroids at the same time. Bye bye liver. Stanozolol has one of the worst hepatoxicity of any steroid.
I don`t mean taking EOD day ofcourse, i take diana one day, and winstrol the second day, and so diana again.
What would be most effective, taking WINSTROL alone ED. DIANA ED.
OR winstrol and diana EOD. What would i get most strength, and size outta, and keep most. I guess winstrol alone or.. ?
I know about the liver, fully..
reply please!
A buddy of mine, just ran dianabol alone, 6tabs a day for 6 weeks.
Gained 20pounds body weight.
Trained with 40pound dumbells, and are training with 75 pounds know! (chest dumbell)
Man, everyone has already explained that running 2 orals is basically kicking your livers ass. If you were to start a cycle, why not run some test E alone to start. No test, no cycle (as Hellmask would put it). Your buddy gained 20lbs on Dbol alone in 6 weeks. Sweet, but I'm guessing almost 50% of that is water, and come back to us in 3 months and I bet he ended up keeping a solid 5lbs.
Just listen to these guys, they are amazingly educated on AAS and DO know what is right and wrong for ya. We're all here to help each other out.
I wouldn't even get going on a cycle until your PCT is figured out as well.
Oh ya and the half-life of winny is roughly 8hrs. It should be taken at least ed, preferably injectable winny as it is not as rough on your liver.
Last edited by lawsey000; 11-24-2006 at 04:42 PM.
Thanks for putting this more clearly for me!
not to bust your balls dude but its actually not that bad for your liver. ever heard of people running 100mg of dbol before to kickstart or 150mg of Abombs?Originally Posted by king6
now explain why 2 17aa are more harsh on your liver assuming a relitativly low dose say 30mgdbol and 50mg of winny ed than one mega dose of one compound.
in fact im on week 6 in to tbol and winny and no sides and liver values are fine just had em tested last week![]()
Well wellSee here..
What are you running dude? Are you running WINSTROL AND DBOL EVERYDAY. Or winstrol 1 day, and dbol the other day?
What do you have for PCT. And how many mg`s ?![]()
You'll need a liver transplant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
Originally Posted by Rogeruni
40's to 75's and a 20lbs gain on a most likely to small to begin with body....
Come on now, let's be smart.
Lift weights, diet, and rest naturally first.
Well if you are taking anything else and have a problem with aggression, winstrol ahs been shown to decrease aggression in lab rats treated with dianabol and winstrol.
Yes.Originally Posted by Rogeruni
I would just stack the two. 25mg of dianabol and 50mg of stanozolol each day.Originally Posted by Rogeruni
Yes, the combo will provide more muscle gains than either used alone.Originally Posted by Rogeruni
Dianabol (methandrostenolone) primary anabolic effect stems from GH release alongside other mechanisms of action, the water retention from dbol most likely comes from the production of endogenous GH and aromatization, though the latter can be reduced with the use of an aromatize inhibitor. Since most of the anabolic effects of dbol seem to be GH dependant, using the d-bol for 6-8 weeks at 25-30mg per day should give you keepable gains post cycle.
Winny (stanozolol) builds muscle via a different approach, via binding to SHBG (note most 17AA steroid do this to some degree), binding to the G.R and although not a strong binder to the A.R, it can still act on the A.R somehow.
So there, although d-bol is commonly used for 'bulking' and winny for 'cutting' they can be used together to form a synergistic stack.
Not the most ideal cycle but still not useless. Just be sure to use some form of liver protection during the cycle and avoiding the excessive use of alcohol and OTC NSAIDs
Baj, what is the "GR" ? I don't wanna sound stupid but....."growth receptor" ?
First of all Dude, why do you want to F*** with your body like that?
Man, you are to young. Your body is still growing naturally....
What if I was to tell you that since you are so young, you have a chance of messing your natural test production for life?
Dude, wait a couple of years.
Train, EAT, sleep.....you will be surprised how big you will get!
I do agree that people have run dbol as high as 100mg/day with no real side effects. But, how much did these individuals weigh? What was there cycle history? Most people will agree that dbol is liver toxic. And most will agree that winnie is one of the most hepatoxic of the steroids. That is why using winnie in a bulking cycle could be problematic. Not too mention Dbol can raise LDL and lower HDL. And winnie at 6mg/day can raise LDL 29% and lower HDL 33%. Dbol is mainly used for bulking and winnie is mainly used for cutting. Which is why it might seem counterproductive to stack both compounds.Originally Posted by Manpretty
Glucocorticoid receptor.Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
Originally Posted by BajanBastard
Oh ok, thanks. I need to remember what glucocorticoids are ........... ****. I suck.
Originally Posted by BajanBastard
Nice. The info on Dbol was very innnnterestin.
How significant of a release of GH are we talkin here?
Originally Posted by Hellmask
Well enough to cause what it does I suppose, which should be significant. I asked before, the same question and got no response.
Lab rats with their pituitary gland removed experienced no anabolic effects of dianabol, just FYI.
Binding to the SHBG helps keep steroids (Maybe not 19nors as much) more bioavailable and therefore, your cycle is more effective. 10mg of winstrol ED can lower SHBG 50% I believe, unless I am mistaken.
Last edited by guest589745; 11-24-2006 at 08:26 PM.
Rats given dbol who had their pupitary(sp) removed had zero anabolic effects from the dbol administration.Originally Posted by Hellmask
The role of growth hormone in the anabolic action of methandrostenolone.
Originally Posted by BajanBastard
Any studies with rats with there pituitary gland still in tact?
If so, do you know what % their GH levels increased and what they were after discontinueing the dbol? ...>better yet, does anyone have a link to these studies they could pm me or whatever?
Just go over to the pupmed data base and type in the title of the study. Its kinda obvious GH is responsible for dbol's anabolic effects.Originally Posted by Hellmask
Originally Posted by BajanBastard
Thats what I said !!![]()
Originally Posted by BajanBastard
I think he was inquiring about this in regards to HUMAN consumption, not canine.
Yea yea yea real funny, I know.![]()
You would be surprised at the studies you can find at pubmed. They have studies performed on bodybuilders regarding steroid use involving many different compounds, just about anything really.
Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
i have done itOriginally Posted by Rogeruni
at 50 mg dbol and 100 mg winny,nice cycle.
4 days on (workout days) 3 days off (no roids).
Last edited by oswaldosalcedo; 11-25-2006 at 08:40 AM.
How long did you run this for?
And did you get much up in size and strength?
8 weeks.
good lean mass.
stregnth !!!
but i have time training and using roids.
i have good genetics too.
i think 50 % is genetics (with drugs included or excluded)
30 % nutrition and 20 % training.
What?!! And you didn't shit out your liver?! Didn't the dbol and winny fight each other?!! You didn't end up gaining 50lbs and only keeping 2lbs?Originally Posted by oswaldosalcedo
Originally Posted by BajanBastard
Originally Posted by BajanBastard
alt and ast around 60-70 U/L.
I have a good liver. (there are 3 days off, too)
it is like my estradiol levels, ever low on test,boldelone,dbol,etc.
8-12 pg/ml (8 is under normal lower limit!).
i suffer other things like hpa dysregulation, but i control it.
Last edited by oswaldosalcedo; 11-25-2006 at 08:58 AM.
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