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Thread: Need advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mid west

    Need advice

    So a couple a days ago I found out I had a kidney stone, and went to the ER.
    They gave me a shot for the pain and gave me a prescription for Vicodine. I hate vicodine though, makes me ill. So my mom gave me some of her left over darvon. I took one last night about 1:00am, due to pain. Today I interviewed for a job and took a urine test. They asked me if I was on any meds and I said, I had some at the ER, they said if I tested positive for anything I would have to provide documentation, which I have. The problem is I have documents for Vicodine, and not darvon. I checked and Darvon will show up on a 10 panel test. I only took on 50mg pill at 1 am. And had the drug test today at 3 pm. I have been drinking alot of water to help pass the stone. I am worried that the darvon will show up on the test, and I will have no excuse. Do you guys think it will show up? And do you have any advice if it does?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH
    You told them you were prescribed a narcotic at the ER.
    One may show up on the test.
    If they question it, I would consult your doctor and tell him the vic's made you sick and you'd like a script for darvocets instead. By that time, you should have papaers for them.

    If not, demand a retest.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    You shouldn't have a problem. Otherwise, explain to your doc, and I'm sure they would have no problem helping you out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    riding styles donkey
    good luck with passing that stone.

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