I have a question, I just wanted to get some input on this subject. I guess one reason is I just came down with a 24 hour stomach virus and I can't workout for the next couple of days. What do you guys do when something like that happens? I know they say it is not best to workout when you get sick. I still do anyways, but with chit like a stomach virus, you absolutley have no energy, nor can you eat anything or keep it down. I mean do you guys just sacrifice or do you force yourself to eat protein/carbs, or just let the cold take it's course. Like today, I wasnt' able to eat anything whatsoever, no protein no nothing. Should I have forced myself to eat protein? I didn't even want to drink anything, just even hurt to do that, but I did. I know this is probally a stupid question, but just wanted to see what you guys who work out as much as I do, and it just depresses me when I can't work out on days that I am sick, (which is rare), but still. Do some of you all, just tough it out and try to work out anyways, I have done that before, with like a sinus cold, but something like a stomach virus, you feel like you are going to hurl when you just stand up.