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Thread: Ohh god now Chirach is starting to kiss environmentalist ass

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up

    Ohh god now Chirach is starting to kiss environmentalist ass

    He called for a "radical transformation of our methods of production and consumption," calling for a break with past technologies and a massive shift towards clean energies such as solar power, and bio-energy.
    STUPIDITY!! Bio energy is not ****ing clean. Its dirty as hell, Its co2 neutral. But the polution associated with burning wood is more cancerogenic than the polution from coal or oil. 7 deaths for each TWh heat produced from burning wood. That is how clean Bioenergy is. If france had bioenergy instead of nuclear power then bioenergy would kill 14000 people every year. It would kill more people than traffic accidents.

    France is the rolemodel for combating climate change. Along with sweden and swiss france has the lowest per capita release of co2 in the EU. The reason for that is brutaly obvious. Nuclear power. Why doesnt he promot his own countries strenght?

    Everytime a politician(outside of africa and maby southern states) talks about solar power I seriously just want to go and bang my head against a wall over and over and over and over and over and over and over again!

    Why do they even let cumstains like "friends of the earth" or greenpace comment on the issue. The faster we give them the finger the faster reason will return to the debate.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Just like many politicians, most are completly oblivious when it comes to climate,environement and pollution. Even the environment ministers seem disillusional. I think Chirac's time has come and gone.

    PS: You should seriously consider wearing a helmet

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Prada
    Just like many politicians, most are completly oblivious when it comes to climate,environement and pollution. Even the environment ministers seem disillusional. I think Chirac's time has come and gone.

    PS: You should seriously consider wearing a helmet
    But he is French, he should atleast be proud of what his country has done and promote the strategy they have taken. France, sweden and swiss are the rolemodels for how electricity production can be clean and cheap without ever lowering living standards.
    All we need to do is crank up the clean electricity production even more so we can start mass producing hydrogen. France is already a big energy exporter so they are in a perfect position to make the transition away from gas.

    A helmet might be neccesary soon

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    It pisses me of equaly much that the swedish politicians doesnt have the stones to say that we are a rolemodel of electricity production.
    They cant even se a good solution when it has been right under their own noses for 30 years.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    They cant even se a good solution when it has been right under their own noses for 30 years.
    You said it. They are completly oblivious to the fact. He probably is under the impression that what he is suggesting is going to make them a notch better. Its probably those damn ultra leftwing hippies and their ignorance or his own

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Ok what the hell is wrong with people? This is a article about swiss

    More than 80 percent supported more taxes on vehicles with high fuel consumption, as well as greater state support for public transport and the renovation of old, energy-inefficient, buildings.

    Two-thirds want authorities to make energy-saving light bulbs or electrical appliances compulsory.
    Dont they understand that their own countrys electricity production doesnt release co2?!?!?!?! changing ****ing lightbulbs wont make a damn difference.

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