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Thread: Deca and Depo Test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Deca and Depo Test

    I was talking to a pharmacist and he was telling me I dont need clomid and an anti e when doing this cycle. He said its such a clean and light cycle (12 week cycle) that I'm not going to get gyno or anything. I know all the posts here say I have to use something to get my test production started again and an anti e when doing my cycle. He said he did it without and his gains were good and he kept them and got no gyno. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by aolsux00
    I was talking to a pharmacist and he was telling me I dont need clomid and an anti e when doing this cycle. He said its such a clean and light cycle (12 week cycle) that I'm not going to get gyno or anything. I know all the posts here say I have to use something to get my test production started again and an anti e when doing my cycle. He said he did it without and his gains were good and he kept them and got no gyno. What do you guys think?
    He is an idiot !!! Yes you could do a cycle and not get gyno and recover OK, BUT then again you might not, why would you take the risk.

    You need to do PCT dude !!!! You dont necessarily need anything during your cycle but you need to keep something like Arimidex on hand in case you get gyno symptoms during the cycle. What cycle are you doing exactly ? 12 weeks is way long enough on Test to shut you down hard, that is NOT a light cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    everybody is different.
    Listen to Kale.
    Get the Arimidex and whatever else you might need in case you have problems

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    Test Depot is Enathate and Prop right???? Does anyone know at what ratio it is usally? How will this affect his injections and PCT times? Do you just run it like Test E? You could possible get in a head on collision and be alright too, but I wouldn't try it. Just do whats right, dont pinch pennies or cut corners. Half ass cycles will produce half ass results.

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