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Thread: Coming off bad gear!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1

    Coming off bad gear!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys I'm in my fourth week of 400mg of deca and 500mg of test and I'm having bad reactions to the gear. I dont think it is a good quality due to all the swelling of my injection sites. As of right now my quad,glute and delt are badley swollen and I cant workout like this or even work like this, so I'm going to quit this crap PLease help I have some legit nolva and I need some help on how to come off without having more problems.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    you're on week four only so your system is not that need for HCG IMHO

    Just stick to nolva (20mg), proviron (25mg)and clomid (50 mg) for 4 weeks and you should be fine


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by djchaddock
    Hey guys I'm in my fourth week of 400mg of deca and 500mg of test and I'm having bad reactions to the gear. I dont think it is a good quality due to all the swelling of my injection sites. As of right now my quad,glute and delt are badley swollen and I cant workout like this or even work like this, so I'm going to quit this crap PLease help I have some legit nolva and I need some help on how to come off without having more problems.
    You might want to try filtering the juice as well if you want to use it again

  4. #4
    How do I go about filtering my gear. And are those side effects typical in bad gear

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    If you really beleive the gear is bad, and you cant trust the source, dont take it anymore, bin it, and cease contact with the supplier. Its not worth the risk, who knows what might be in it. You could die... Ok, maybe thats extreme, but if theres something toxic, like heavy metals, organic toxins, or dangeorus chemicals, or its unsterile then its not a good idea to inject it directly into your muscle tissue...

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