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Thread: Diet critique needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell

    Diet critique needed

    Alright, let's try it again.
    So with help of some very smart guys here, this is the diet I came up with. I took the advice, let's see if I got it right.
    Trying to bulk up more and loose some fat at the same time.


    7:00am – Get the F up
    7:15am – 2 eggs, ¼ cup oats
    7:30am – 30-45 min elliptical at 65-70% HR
    9:30am – 6 egg whites, ¾ cup oats, 1tspn flax
    12:00pm – 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 7oz. grilled sweet potatoes
    3:00pm – 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 1cup green beans, 1tbspn flax
    6:00pm – 8 oz grilled chicken breast, 7 oz. grilled sweet potatoes
    9:00pm – 1 can tuna, 2 cups green beans
    9:40pm-10:30pm – Lifting
    10:30pm-11:00pm Ellipticall at 65% HR
    11:00pm – PWO 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 1 cup oats
    11:59pm – 1 scoop whey, 1tbsp flax
    Midnight - BED

    No macros yet. I'll post later.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Looks better, bro. Looking forward to seeing those macros.

    Make the PPWO meal, the one before bed protein/carb. As Giants has said, the laws of thermodynamics are not altered just because you go to sleep. PPWO, IMO, calls for carbs. I would even suggest having BCAAs immediately PWO, then follow it up with that meal...pack in some green, fibrous veggies, and k.o. for the night. The shake can be eliminated.

    Additonally, you could think about scrapping the meal prior to cardio. If worried about catabolism, hit up a BCAA shake prior to it...In your THR zone for 30-45 mins, you should worry too much about the catabolic effects.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Also, don't be afraid to mix up the lean meats. Turkey breast, lean cut steaks, and the like.

    Also, try to get some carbs in pre workout as opposed to solely veggies. PReWO nutrition is, arguably, just as important as PWO.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    What BCAAs are good in Your opinion ?
    Hmm, somehow I was afraid of getting carbs in before bed. I'll change it around.

    Also, reason for 2 eggs and little oats before cardio is because when I get up in the morning, I am very hungry and I get dizzy next 30 min if I wont eat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I just pick up Dymatize powder BCAAs. No need to worry about carbs pre-bed. Nutrient timing in the post workout window is very important- carbs are fine before bed if post workout.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Good deal, ordered Dymatize BCAA and electronic food scale.
    Installed my calorie King software for the PC, got all foods in it. Very nice program.
    Will do my shopping on thursday.
    Time to get serious.
    I never ever in my life had diet anywhere close to this, all the ones I did were not so special at all, plus I could not keep up with them for longer than 2 weeks.
    I think I should be happy that I am at 6`3 230lbs 16bf and never did a serious bulker for longer than 2 weeks, still all natural as well.
    I just cannot wait to see the results.
    Will post macros soon. I need to count them first hah!
    Thanks brother!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids

    7:00am – Get the F up
    7:15am – 2 eggs, ¼ cup oats Eat more carbs here upon waking, your body is in a glycogen ***leted state. Shoot for around 50 or so. 2eggs? Are you 5 yrs old.. Come on, you need to be putting down like 6-8eggwhites here
    7:30am – 30-45 min elliptical at 65-70% HR Personally I'd do this BEFORE you eat your first meal.
    9:30am – 6 egg whites, ¾ cup oats, 1tspn flax What's with the flax? Use a whole egg (egg yolk has approx 5-8g fat), no need for flax.
    12:00pm – 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 7oz. grilled sweet potatoes cool
    3:00pm – 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 1cup green beans, 1tbspn flax Drop the flax and add some carbs, spread your carbs evenly throughout your daily meals.. Otherwise eat a redmeat here and drop the flax.
    6:00pm – 8 oz grilled chicken breast, 7 oz. grilled sweet potatoes cool
    9:00pm – 1 can tuna, 2 cups green beans Cool, I'd drop the green beans due to the fiber slowing the protein digestion and add a faster acting carb such as a potato or white rice
    9:40pm-10:30pm – Lifting
    10:30pm-11:00pm Ellipticall at 65% HR
    11:00pm – PWO 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 1 cup oats cool
    11:59pm – 1 scoop whey, 1tbsp flax Drop the whey for either a fatty meat (salmon/steak/pork loin/ground beef etc) Or use a casein protein which is much slower digesting than whey.. Only use whey for PWO.
    Midnight - BED Goodnight, Drink 8-12oz of water right before bed so you'll wake up at 3-5am to take another small meal, otherwise be a bitch and just sleep like a baby lol

    No macros yet. I'll post later.
    Quick overview in bold..
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Nice overview I**, comments too!
    Alright here we go!


    6:55am – Get the F up
    7:00am – 7:30am Elliptical
    7:35am – 6 egg whites, 1cup oats
    9:30am – 6 egg whites, ¾ cup oats, 1 whole egg
    12:00pm – 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 7oz. grilled sweet potatoes
    3:00pm – 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 1cup green beans, 4oz. grilled sweet potatoes
    6:00pm – 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 2 cups green beans
    9:00pm – 1 can tuna, 7oz. grilled sweet potatoes
    9:40pm-10:30pm – Lifting
    10:30pm-11:00pm Elliptical
    11:00pm – PWO 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 1 cup oats
    11:59pm – 8oz. salmon, 1/2 cup oats

    Man, this is a lot of food! Every damn day....
    Well, it better work! Just by looking at it I feel like I gained 10lbs.
    If I keep this up for 6 months along with my workout routine, I HAVE to gain some muscle.

    Thanks fellas.
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 06-13-2007 at 09:21 AM.

  9. #9
    You should see my diet and then think about eating that much food everyday, almost makes you sick.. (3-4lbs of meat/day).

    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Nice overview I**, comments too!
    Alright here we go!


    6:55am – Get the F up
    7:00am – 7:30am Elliptical Drink a liter of water before and during this cardio
    7:35am – 6 egg whites, 1cup oats 8 egg whites here, you wanna grow right?25 45 0
    9:30am – 6 egg whites, ¾ cup oats, 1 whole egg 30 35 8
    12:00pm – 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 7oz. grilled sweet potatoes 50 50 5
    3:00pm – 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 1cup green beans, 4oz. grilled sweet potatoes 50 50 5
    6:00pm – 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 2 cups green beans 6 oz Red meat here for extra fats (cooked weight). 50 5 10
    9:00pm – 1 can tuna, 7oz. grilled sweet potatoes 40 50 0
    9:40pm-10:30pm – Lifting
    10:30pm-11:00pm Elliptical
    11:00pm – PWO 8oz. grilled chicken breast, 1 cup oats 50 40 10
    11:59pm – 8oz. salmon, 1/2 cup oats 50 25 15

    Man, this is a lot of food! Every damn day....
    Well, it better work! Just by looking at it I feel like I gained 10lbs.
    If I keep this up for 6 months along with my workout routine, I HAVE to gain some muscle.

    Thanks fellas.
    Let me do your macros for you since you're a lazy bastard

    Protein - 345
    Carbs - 300
    Fats - 60

    Calories approx. - 3150
    Should be right over your maintainance so you'll stay fairly lean and build quality muscle..

    Great diet and nice setup, do it for a month with no deviations and let us know so we can reaccess..
    Now go eat + I'll send you the bill in the mail
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    East Coast
    Don't mean to jump in here in the middle, but I don't see prior post. I'm reading this is a bulker and you are doing two cardio sessions a day? Am I reading this correctly?

  11. #11
    He's kinda a natural fatty so it will help hold down his bodyfat while eating the proper amounts of food for growth.

    Guys with naturally fast metabolisms can get away with doing otherwise, I think the cardio is a good idea for him personally. Although he would probably be ok with just doing morning cardio a few times/wk or on non-lifting days.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    East Coast
    Got it! I guess the potential for burn out is there if trying to do too much. If you are motivated, bro, have at it. I would be afraid of burning up muscle with that much cardio.

  13. #13
    As long as your caloric intake is above maintainance and you're eating whole/healthy foods in spaced accordingly there is no worry about muscle loss.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    You should see my diet and then think about eating that much food everyday, almost makes you sick.. (3-4lbs of meat/day).

    Let me do your macros for you since you're a lazy bastard

    Great diet and nice setup, do it for a month with no deviations and let us know so we can reaccess..
    Now go eat + I'll send you the bill in the mail

    I appreciate it! You are the MAN!
    How much would be the bill ?
    Gimme the address I'll mail the check in! No joke! (Sh!t, hope I get the discount!)
    You just saved me much more by setting this up for me! So much food would go to waste plus the time wasted.
    Hmm, You think I should bump up the protein up to 380 or more?
    Also I ordered Dymatize BCAAs. Never took that stuff before.

  15. #15
    Take your BCAA's 10min before you walk into gym.. (5-10g) and then again right after your workout BEFORE you start cardio.

    You could bump your protein up if you'd like.. while bulking I will go 2g/lb bodyweight, since I'm 225lbs that means 400-450g/day..
    I've also done 250-300g/day with really high carbs and grown just fine also, just trying something new.. gotta find what works for YOU.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    did you like the grilled sweet potatos?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    i've been buying the 100% egg whites in the cartons and chugging them or mixing them with my whey. they taste really bad alone, but with choc whey they taste like ice cream. it makes it easier to get more egggs in my diet

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Quote Originally Posted by pr0digalsun
    did you like the grilled sweet potatos?
    Oh I like it a lot, so easy to make, good source of carbs and taste good!
    Glad found that recipe!
    Thanks chief!

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