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Thread: Am I likely to get Gyno? Did I have it as a teen?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Question Am I likely to get Gyno? Did I have it as a teen?


    New member here - hello!

    Im about to start a course of Sustanon 250 - 250mg and deca - 200mg once per week.

    Ive ordered tamoxifen and clomid but they are still on their way here could be a week or two but I would really like to get started Ive been putting this off for months on end.

    Anyways, I'm originally an ectomorph body type, if that matters.

    What Im worried about is when I was about 12 I remember I had some small hard lumps behind my nipples, I could not feel any pain in them but I went to get them checked out at the doctors anyway. He said not to worry as a lot of young boys get these and they will go away, which they did. He did not say what they were though.

    Was this gyno? Do you think I will be more likely to get it from that? If I do get it is it usually at the start or towards the end of a course? Do you think I would be ok to start the course now and get the tamoxifen and clomid when they arrive in a week or so?

    Thanks for any advice on this

    Last edited by SlammiN; 11-12-2007 at 10:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    - if you were gyno prone as a teenager, chances are you are still sensitive to estrogen fluctuations like when going through the risk is there IMHO. The lump is not gyno per se, but a precursor to it, usually accompanied by itchy/sensitive nips and puffiness.

    - with deca, you should have bromocriptine or cabergoline on hand (even if you dont use it) for progesteronic gyno and Letrozole for regular gyno.... Nolvadex is preventive, Letrozole is curative in most cases.

    -Also regularly taking a lighter AI like arimidex along with nolva (which is a SERM and will not necessarily or significantly reduce systemic estrogen) will help keep estrogen levels in check during cycle although you don't want to eliminate it completely since some estrogen is favorable to muscle anabolism.

    - get all your ancillaries FIRST, then start the cycle. Too many times have cycles been problematic or cut short because all the compounds never arrived on time. If you start showing gyno need the compounds ASAP at your disposal, not fondling your new found breasts waiting for the AI to arrive

    -Oh, and you need to do alot more research in here parts.
    Last edited by InsaneInTheMembrane; 11-13-2007 at 12:44 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ok, I live in the uk. Lets just say i did start it, i live almost next to the medical centre. Can you get nolvadex or letrozole perscribed for steroid use if worst comes to worst?

    If that's a possibility then it would be ok as i can get seen immediately.

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