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Thread: dedic8ed1's bagrain breakdown

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    in the gym

    Thumbs up dedic8ed1's bagrain breakdown

    If your like me and finding ways to keep your fridge stocked up the cheapest way possible then check this out and see if any of this can help you out.

    A couple things are out there that are pretty expensive that you can avoid paying for if your willing to try a few things.

    Pre work out

    Sugar free polaner persereves/$2.00 for 13.8 oz/22 servings/1tbs 5 g carbs/4 tbs= 20 g carbs and I'm,flying in the gym,they digest quickly to so it's a no brainer.

    Rather then spending your hard earned dollars on the fancy shiny shit from your local vitamin shop or whatever you do.This will cost you$2.00 for the week,and there awesome on your oats

    Splenda is expensive as hell so rather then buying the value pack for $9.00 or whatever there robbing people for that shit now a days,go to your local conveniant store or WAWA I prefer,get a cup of coffee and fill up a 20 oz cup with as much splenda as you can then put a lid on it like your getting 2 cups of coffee.I don't even put the lid on and they don't say anything to me about it so I'm assuming it's cool,if it wasn't I'm sure they would say something.A 20oz coffee cup stuffed with single serving splenda packets lasts me about a week and a half to 2 weeks.

    Sweet Potatoes are always gonna be cheaper at a fruit stand,and if your consistant with going there buying bulk shoot the shit with the guy who runs it and see if he will give you a break down,of course you'll have to build a repore with the guy and speak to him like a gentleman if you want a break,even a if it's a dollar you just saved a buck,that's a dollar more then you would save on top of what you saving by just avoiding the high prices at the super market.

    Eggs are cheap as hell also at a fruit stand or deli and if there's no deli like these where your at then target is your answer

    1 dozen large white eggs at target is $1.24 on sale once a month for $1.11 and ain't no way your gonna find eggs cheaper then that

    Diet soda is no doubt a staple for me.Target is also a great place for this once a week you can find the good stuff like diet wild cherry pepsi or any diet fruity stuff, 4 12 packs for $11.00 or 1 12 pack for $2.75.

    Here's where it get's really good,Old fashion oats the big can $2.75 which is unfukin belevable compare to shoprite $4.29 what a joke.

    I'm on a serious budget at this point in my life and running out of food is something I can't afford to do when I have goals to acheive.

    So enjoy,just trying to help you guys out that are just like me and find it neccessary to spend as little as possible for your bodybuilding needs.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    i run a kitchen at a correctional facility, I get oats, eggs, yams, talapia, tuna, salmon, steak, rice, cottage cheese, yogurst, veggies, fruit, steak, pork chops, milk, bagels, bread, almonds, beef jerky, ect, ect, ect, for FREE

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator View Post
    i run a kitchen at a correctional facility, I get oats, eggs, yams, talapia, tuna, salmon, steak, rice, cottage cheese, yogurst, veggies, fruit, steak, pork chops, milk, bagels, bread, almonds, beef jerky, ect, ect, ect, for FREE
    You sonofabitch

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    its fantastic, and my wife wants me to quit so we can move

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    thanks bro!! ive been strapped for money with the holidays and my diet has suffered. so this could help alot!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    thanks bro!! ive been strapped for money with the holidays and my diet has suffered. so this could help alot!!!
    Well merry Christmas

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator View Post
    its fantastic, and my wife wants me to quit so we can move
    Just by moving your gonna cough up some serious cake to keep yourself in the fodd your acustomed too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I can get 15 dozen eggs at Costco for $9.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1 View Post
    You sonofabitch

    2nd haha

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    New York
    this thread is awesome thanks for the time to post this info

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    WTF, why are eggs so expensive up here in the Seattle area. I was in Safeway the other day and there was a "sale" of buy 1 get 1 free for 18 packs of eggs. $5.98 for the fruggin 18 pack. Eggs have tripled here in the last year. I use to be able to get 5 dozen at Safeway for $6 and 7 dozen at Sams Club for $7. Now they are twice as much there as well. Are we being egg gouged up here? Eggs are a big part of my diet and now they are expensive as hell. Meat hasn't changed much so why the eggs?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorpecs View Post
    I can get 15 dozen eggs at Costco for $9.
    I know but there's no costco around me in NJ

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    right here
    better yet buy a chicken!free eggs

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by majorpecs View Post
    I can get 15 dozen eggs at Costco for $9.
    dam i wish there was one near me...bjs are selling 5 dozen for $9 im jiped out of 10 dozen

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ajc330 View Post
    this thread is awesome thanks for the time to post this info
    No problem,If I showed you my bills for each month you'd shit a break and then you'd ask your self how can you stay sober and not rip someones head off at every instance of frustration

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