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Thread: Back - Lower Shoulder Blade

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Back - Lower Shoulder Blade

    Bros -

    Ive been lifting heavy and had no trouble. Recently I have felt a dull pain in my back right at the lower side of my shoulder blade. I can feel it when I stretch my arms forward doing rows and when I take deep breaths. This has been hanging around for a few weeks and I do not want to stop my back routine all together, but maybe I will have to? It seems I am prone to this injury and trap pulls - always on one side. Any suggestions? Could I have torn something? Should I see a doc?

    Appreciate the advice!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    new york
    ive had this problem sice i was 12. years later ive got this adive been pain free ever since. take a volley ball put it on the wall behind your head and press back with your head do this couple times a day

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