Hey guys, so I am getting to the point where I am realizing, looks is meaning a lot more now then ever before. All my friends have been working out for about a year and all I can say is wow. Now none of them are starting out as skinny as I am starting from. I have a very high metabolism and poor appetite. I know eating is everything and that is why I am coming here to ask for advice on appetite and a workout plan.
I am 17 turning 18 in about 5 months. I am 6 foot and weigh 138 lbs. I have never weighed more then this in my life. I have been going to the gym for 2 months now and just going and lifting weights for bicep and chest and just doing some abs very rarely.
Let me tell you first, my sleep is around 6-8 hours a night, my schedule is terrible because of school some days i can sleep in until 11 and some days I have to wake up at 7, so a very unbalanced schedule.
Breakfast: cereal with a banana
Lunch: Subway footlong sandwhich, or mcdonalds, basically whatever the plaza offers to eat and whatever me and my friends decide to eat that day
After school: Quickmass drink
gym - no xplode, purple k
after gym - whey protein drink with banana in it
Dinner: Chicken, mashed potatoes, salad
Before bed: Quickmass drink
Here are some pictures, in order of first couple weeks of working out and then just last week so (2 months later):
As you can see, barely any improvement at allPlease dont make fun, I am just trying to get some help. OH and by the way, steroids is an option for me, I know I haven't been working out long enough, but at this point I really don't care and I have been researching and I understand the side effects etc. I just dont know what to take etc. OR where to get it from, it's illegal in Canada and it sucks!
Thanks guys!