whats up bro's just got a bunch of winny orals just curious are they worth takin?Before everyone starts to flame i've been here long enough so dont start parroting to me about how orals suck.They were free
whats up bro's just got a bunch of winny orals just curious are they worth takin?Before everyone starts to flame i've been here long enough so dont start parroting to me about how orals suck.They were free
post them up in the pic forum
Yeah ramblin oral only cycles suck you newb! Go research as youll lose all your gains and youll go limp!
i know there legit just curious about gains on em
ur a newb!!!
winny orals are fine..you plan on running alone, how much you gonna take? Remember there is about 20-25% absorption factor when taking them orally too
ramblin must be getting ready for that spring break trip!!! lol
They Were Free
oral winny is great, I ran it 50mg in the morning and 50mg pre workout.
got massive pumps in the gym, and felt rock hard. I was cutting and didnt loose much weight, but leand out pretty nice...
im probably going to do some cutting with winny only before summer...
And then the summer cut! Ripped for summer to get da ladies yo!
Comon Ramblin you knew this was comin!
All jokes aside, as I remember your stayin pretty lean arent you? Hell if they are free id take them as well. If diet is right youll could gain a couple LBMs, and if your lean enough then some vascularity, hardness.
yup i was expecting this,what do u guys think for dosage?
i had my choice of primo or winny
what about primo,ya i never ran winny before
I would have taken primo AND winny. Why could you not have gotten both? I personally have never ran the two only together but BB'er from back home swears by the primo winny stack. And if im not mistaken isnt that what phil heath was using for while?
i can still get the primo i thik he said they were 25 mgs
well bitches i figured i would throw this out there for now.I gotta go do some painting but i'll be back on later to get some more info
i ran win only at 150mg ED for 7weeks and loved it cept for the negative HDL score and the aching joints.
yeah, but i thought you ran deca with everything for that reason tai..
lol... you crack me up with the fire breather everytime...... i forgot who it was on the forum that was running 250mg/day ..... said it was amazing ... ( no one try this )
You have 100 10mg winny tabs??
You could run it for 10 days at 100mg's per day or 20 days at 50mg's per day But either way I wouldnt bother....
Honestly dude you dont have enough to run a real cycle....I would save it until you have more gear....
i wish i could remember who said it ....
so at 150 what sides did you get ...
i've run d-bol only, and test and d-bol as far as a cycle layout this wasn't planned i just happend to run into these and if there free there for me
i just wanted to know what i could expect of these if i even decided to use them
so basically i need to run em at 100-150 mg ed for them to work?thats like 12 pills a day
well picked up 175 of em any suggestions on how to run the?what would be the least amount to run without it being a waste of time?
i use 50mgs of oral winny a day and always had good results. unless im using zambon i hate injectable winny because it hurts so freaking much so i like to take orals
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