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Thread: cutting gel or RUB A-35

  1. #1

    Lightbulb cutting gel or RUB A-35

    I no this might sound dumb, but this guy from musclemag store told me to try Rub a-35 instead of buying ripping gel. he said it works and basically does the same thing. it generates heat to a certain area ther fore helps u to burn more fat. I honestly dont know, have any of you tried this or heard of this before????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    try yohimburn, i think it works well and so do many others, never heard of a35

  3. #3
    where can i get yohimburn, is it a common product to find. I am from canada and its probaly illegal in canadas stupis dug

    Rub A-35 is a cream to put on too sore muscle its somthing like deepfreeze or tiger balm, it heats up the area.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by BullDogg20
    where can i get yohimburn, is it a common product to find. I am from canada and its probaly illegal in canadas stupis dug
    it is available at

    it is legal to ship to canada (though oral yohimbine tablets or powder are not)

    it does have that heat/warming felling due to its menthol content, but that feeling is the "action" of the topical delivery of the alpha blocker yohimbine.

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