i know this probally should be posted in the steroid qna area.
but i dont wanna get bombarded by n00bs and 17 yr olds.
my new dr (endocrinologist) i found seems a bit crooked... :P
he wants me to stop my test TOTALLY right now, and no PCT, and then go for blood work in 2 weeks.
then he said i can go back on or start PCT.
he said if i wait the right amount of time, i'll test even lower than the NEAR low level i tested at last time after being clean for 3 months.
which would get me on test....and for no cost...
how long after my last shot of sust would it still be in my system?
i did sust AND fina today. but he said to stop and let my system crash and then get bloodwork.
what would be the perfect time to get it done, to test as LOW as possible?
thanks guys.