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Thread: Inside info: A Guide To the DEA website.

  1. #1

    Inside info: A Guide To the DEA website.

    Ok, i've noticed a lot of people concerned about saying UGL names etc on the forum. Here is an awesome resource to find out who's getting busted and what information the DEA knows about regarding steroids and other drugs. The DEA Microgram Bulletin was a classified information resource up until 2003, and is as of that time, now published as an unclassified monthly bulletin. The only problem is they made it incredibly difficult to access and almost impossible to find by accident. Heres what you need to know:

    Here is the bulletin by month up to june 2008 (updated monthly):
    Everything before january 2003 is still classified and can only be accessed by law enforcement.

    Here is the link for all major steroid busts as they occur:

    Here is the link for all busts going by city:

    Freedom of information is awesome. Now you can keep tabs on the DEA

  2. #2
    Oh, what do ya know? Another sachet bust, second item down: Edited.

  3. #3
    Guy got busted for 5ml of test cyp! lol cops walk in and hes filtering into a vial... oops.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    Guy got busted for 5ml of test cyp! lol cops walk in and hes filtering into a vial... oops.
    Man, and i thought i had bad luck! Thanks for the links bro!

  5. #5
    no problem, its good for a laugh if nothing else, theres some funny/genius shit in there.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    EDIT: Guess probably not, since that is not the purpose of the forum.

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